Configure makefile to run on file change


Is there a way to run make automatically when a file changes? I'm on a Mac. Non-polling would be best but I'll accept polling too.

Kevin Burke

Posted 2011-06-06T00:17:52.970

Reputation: 809



Mac OS X has an API called FSEvents that lets you monitor directories for changes, but not individual files.


Posted 2011-06-06T00:17:52.970

Reputation: 14 078


I am sure there is a way to run a background service that polls the MD5 or something of the file that will change and then runs make. I am inclined to say that unless you purposely trip some trigger when changing the file, there is no way to do it without polling though. Sorry.


Posted 2011-06-06T00:17:52.970

Reputation: 22 744