How to type pound sign(£) using US keyboard, in Windows, Linux and Mac?



I have dual boot configuration with Fedora and Windows XP. Keyboard is normal US standard keyboard. Now that I am working for a UK based client, I need to use pound sign quite often. Currently I am copy pasting it, and it is a bit annoying. If it is possible to type pound sign using US keyboard, then that will be great. Please post any method you know other than copy pasting.


Posted 2011-06-05T08:43:30.467

Reputation: 512



For US Keyboard:

  • Windows:

    1. Alt+0163 (on numpad with Num Lock on)

    2. Alt++ (numpad)a3

  • Mac: ⌥ Option+3

  • Linux:

    1. Compose L - / Compose - L

    2. Control-Shift(hold down) then ua3

To enable Windows 2., set the registry keyHKCU\Control Panel\Input Method\EnableHexNumpad to 1 (REG_SZ) and reboot.


Posted 2011-06-05T08:43:30.467


On Ubuntu, I had to do CTRL-SHIFT u0a3 – olafure – 2016-11-01T17:11:35.320

Is there an option to use Alt+ codes on Windows when you don't have a Numpad (e.g. on a Bootcamp MacBook)? – Dai – 2016-12-31T14:53:12.863

I'm on a laptop which does not have a number keypad. What can I do? Using the normal numbers does not work. – CaptainCodeman – 2018-02-14T19:04:51.617

@Flimzy for pound instead of Lira you should use lowercase L: AltGr+l= gives same result as AltGr+L-. – Ruslan – 2018-04-22T07:19:35.527

what if my keyboard doesn't have a numpad? – lawphotog – 2018-06-22T13:48:51.637

The second solution for Linux didn't work for me. The first did once I realised that in GNOME the apparent default for Compose is Shift+RightAlt and you have to let them go before typing the L and -. – realh – 2019-11-26T17:33:42.570

I have tested Windows and Linux (fedora) and it works fine. But I couldn't test this in Mac. Please test and post comment below. Thanks – WarFox – 2011-06-05T11:00:21.247

1I'm on a Mac. It works – None – 2011-06-05T11:15:54.180

1On Linux you could enable a compose key and then: <compose> + L + = should give you £. – muffinresearch – 2012-05-02T11:01:57.823

@Dennis, the hex version for Windows doesn't work for me; just gives a ♥ (as though Num+ and a did nothing) – Nick T – 2012-05-24T04:18:59.167

@NickT: Forgot a minor detail. – Dennis – 2012-05-24T11:32:48.997

1@muffinresearch: I'm pretty sure you mean <compose> + L + -. <compose> + L + = creates the Lira sign (₤), not the pound sign (£). – Flimzy – 2013-10-11T23:17:23.980


On Windows and Linux, use the "U.S. International" keyboard layout, which is US with additional modifiers and characters used abroad. The £ is on RightAlt+Shift+4.

You can also get £ on Windows by entering Alt+0163 or Alt+156.

On Mac OS X, simply press Option-3 for £, or use the British layout, where £ and # are exchanged (Option-3 and Shift-3). Otherwise, they're very similar (check with Keyboard Viewer).

Daniel Beck

Posted 2011-06-05T08:43:30.467

Reputation: 98 421

2That US Intenational keyboard is annoying as when you type a quote character it waits for another key before typing anything. This allows you to compose weirder characters but if you're just looking for the odd pound it's a steep price to pay. – Rory – 2015-05-12T13:01:24.830

1BEWARE! Even though it works on Windows £, this is going to screw up your quote ' ", tilde ~ and some other keys because United States-International layout has modified characters enabled and waits for a second character after aforementioned key press to produce characters like á é í ó ú etc. So to get single or double quote you need to press it twice. Really annoying. – igor – 2017-07-31T10:07:36.270

RightAlt+Shift+4 is not helping me. Alt+0163 is working in windows. I haven't checked in Linux. – WarFox – 2011-06-05T10:42:20.197

It is not working in my Fedora installation – WarFox – 2011-06-05T10:59:23.400

1AltGr+Shift+4 is indeed the correct combination for the U.S. International layout, and I can confirm that it works: £££££££££££ – JdeBP – 2011-06-05T14:03:13.687

@JdeBP On Linux? – Daniel Beck – 2011-06-05T14:17:54.593

I typed that on Windows NT 5.0. Linux is harder to test this on, let alone access the WWW from, where I am right at the moment. But you can always ask Diederik Willemsen to confirm the same instead.

– JdeBP – 2011-06-05T14:47:16.273

@JdeBP Thanks. I knew the Windows behavior, but had to search for how Linux behaves. Your link confirms my sources. I'd have to guess it's somehow dependent on the window manager or something else WarFox doesn't have. – Daniel Beck – 2011-06-05T14:50:40.197

WarFox said that xe hadn't checked in Linux. So presumably it is on Windows NT that AltGr+Shift+4 was "not helping". – JdeBP – 2011-06-05T15:19:54.537

@JdeBP The second comment. Fedora is the former RedHat Linux. – Daniel Beck – 2011-06-05T15:23:19.167

On Ubuntu for the RightAlt+Shift+4 sequence to work select ¨English (US, International with dead keys)¨ in Settings -> Keyboard Layout – muffinresearch – 2012-05-02T10:14:48.037

Further to my previous comment using a compose key is probably easier than using a dead key enabled keyboard layout. Especially for programmers. Having to press space after hitting ' to get a single quote would need quite some getting used to. – muffinresearch – 2012-05-02T11:03:42.297


On a European keyboard on Linux type AltGr + Shift + 3.

You can always find it out by greping the keyboard layout config files under /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/* for sterling.


Posted 2011-06-05T08:43:30.467

Reputation: 245

Works on Polish layout. – Waldemar Wosiński – 2017-01-06T21:19:38.300


I can't manage to have my sterling sign associated with my keyboard command. It's a Portuguese Brazil ABNT2 layout (set to Portuguese (Brazil) language). In Windows, it works easily by using CTRL + ALT + 4, but tried all combinations for Ubuntu (14.04 LTS) and just can't make it work.

Difficult situation for a Brazilian accountant in the UK haha

-----> SOLVED (by trial and error lol)

altGr + shift + 4 = ¼ altGt + Tab + 4 = ££££

yaaaay (the bad thing is that everytime I press tab it moves to the next cell)

Rodrigo Duarte

Posted 2011-06-05T08:43:30.467

Reputation: 1