E-Mail with images from 2 different host, are there problems?


We send E-Mail which contain images from two different hosts. In thunderbird / outlook they are displayed fine (after clicking the 'load images' button).

Are there E-Mail Clients (Web-Mail-Clients) which produce problems in this scenario? Are the "Personal Firewalls" which interfere here?

Thanks Stephan


Posted 2011-05-21T11:05:01.943

Reputation: 105



Personal firewalls are unlikely to be an issue at all, unless the host(s) the images are on are blocked generally. I don't know of any clients that would refuse to display images from a range of sources either (a quick scan of the "newsletters" I got from places I buy computer parts from show they use objects from multiple sub-domains in one email). You may fall foul of some spam filters though.

David Spillett

Posted 2011-05-21T11:05:01.943

Reputation: 22 424