Outlook email - insert formatted signature at cursor (AutoHotkey?)



In Outlook 2010, i would like to insert a custom signature. I know i can created formatted signatures for normal and reply emails, which is nice, but i'd like to have more control over which signature (if any) is used.

So i started using AutoHotkey, but am having trouble making it do what i want. For instance, say i have three signatures; one full signature with all contact info, another with intermediate info, and yet another that's just a couple lines. What i've got works, except when i want to insert the signature after typing a message, since it inserts the signature at the beginning of the email. I want it at the cursor position. How can i do this? I'd like to figure out the AutoHotkey solution, but if there's a better one, i'm interested.

A snippet that does the third signature. I've got two others.

<div style='font-family:sans-serif;font-size:9pt;line-height:100`%;'>
<p><span style='color:#404040'>Thanks. -bill</span></p>
<span style='font-size:8.0pt;color:#404040'>IM: xxxxx</span>
<span style='font-size:8.0pt;color:#404040'>123-456-7890 x123</span><br/>
outl.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.HTMLBody := html . save

b w

Posted 2011-05-18T21:14:51.537

Reputation: 2 424



Save each snippet into a clipboard manager like Ditto. Then set up your hotkeys to paste from the clipboard manager.

You can also do it entirely with AutoHotkey by saving and loading the snippets to and from a file using AutoHotkey's clipboard functions.

Russell Davis

Posted 2011-05-18T21:14:51.537

Reputation: 1 124

The clipboard tip pushed me in the right direction. Using ClipboardAll, i've now got sig save and insert functions. Thank you! – b w – 2011-05-19T15:04:19.700