Media meta file system for windows



I have a large assortment of media that is currently arranged using folders. As the library has grown I've started to notice that folders aren't the best at conveying meaning. Also as the number of folders serving as categories/tags has grown has lead to data duplication for not realizing it was already filed under a different tag.

As I started to think about this I realized tag cloud visualization would be tremendously powerful and figured there has to be something like this out there.

Chris Marisic

Posted 2011-05-17T20:54:23.280

Reputation: 1 123



As stated in this question, TaggedFrog seems to be your best bet.

Hope this helps


Posted 2011-05-17T20:54:23.280

Reputation: 5 813

1I tried out TaggedFrog and this seems to be on the right idea other than I found it sucked and it didn't work properly. The autotagging feature in it is exactly the type of thing I'm looking for but it seemed to just ignore more than 5-6 rules when I'd probably have 50-100 if I fully did it out. Which lead it to being uninstalled. – Chris Marisic – 2011-06-27T12:27:29.567


Another possibility would be to use hardlinks or symlinks to put a file into multiple folders. This has its own set of problems, but Link Shell Extension could help.


Posted 2011-05-17T20:54:23.280

Reputation: 21 316

+1 that's an interesting solution, it looks like it would be way too much of a PITA to actually do however. I probably have 5000 things to tag. – Chris Marisic – 2011-06-24T15:15:22.783


Tags already exist as part of Windows 7. See this article :
Tag your files for easier searches in Windows 7.

You can then use Windows Search with Tag: filter. This is further explained in:
Take advantage of Search filters in Windows Explorer.

If this doesn't suit your needs, you could use the free tag2find.
Its usage is described in the article Tag2Find Tag Files in Windows for Better Organization.
Since it supports drag-and-drop onto its window, this could speed-up the tagging process.


Posted 2011-05-17T20:54:23.280

Reputation: 306 093

1Unfortunately Microsoft decided to make this feature entirely worthless by not making it work with ALL files. (And I don't think it works on folders) – Chris Marisic – 2011-06-27T12:26:21.267

Found above a freeware that might do. – harrymc – 2011-06-27T12:48:13.737