How to record online radio?


Possible Duplicate:
Recording Audio from WMP Stream

I have this pls files that allows my media player to play this online radio. I would like to record an interval of the stream and save it to MP3. I could use Virtual Audio Cable and Sound Recorder together to achieve this, but I'm sure there is a better way.

For example, Windows Sound Recorder saves to WMA, and I want MP3. And using Virtual Audio Cable seems like overengineering this solution.

Jader Dias

Posted 2011-05-17T11:28:19.153

Reputation: 13 660

Question was closed 2011-05-18T07:22:46.423



VLC (although not the perfect tool for the job) does this quite easily for you. Using the 'advanced open' dialogue, you can select your stream, and save it to a specific location (in mp3 if you wish).

Further editing can be done using Audacity.


Posted 2011-05-17T11:28:19.153

Reputation: 6 138

VLC saves to 128 kbps MP3 by default. But I could change it. – Jader Dias – 2011-05-22T23:43:39.553


I use "Replay Media Catcher" from Applian for this kind of thing. Very good and can save directly to MP3.

Kieran Walsh

Posted 2011-05-17T11:28:19.153

Reputation: 279


AIMP has that feature build in.


Posted 2011-05-17T11:28:19.153

Reputation: 446