Run an application as a domain user from VPN



I am connected to a VPN as a domain user. I would like to run a local application as the domain user from the VPN instead of my local workgroup user.

If I select run as a different user and insert the username; domain\user and the respective password I get:

login failure: unknown user name or bad password

Does Windows know that I am referring to the domain from the VPN? How do I achieve this?


Posted 2011-05-09T13:13:09.227


Question was closed 2014-02-24T07:03:29.553



A Windows computer can only run applications as either a local user or as an account from the machine's domain or a trusted domain. If your local computer is not joined to the domain, it cannot launch applications as a domain user. Being joined to the domain is different than simply being connected to a VPN.

If your workstation is domain-joined, then depending on local and group policies, you can run an application as a domain user by shift-right-clicking on the program and choosing "Run as different user". If this does not work, then contact your domain administrator for help in this scenario; they may have policies preventing you from doing what you are trying to do.

Even if your workstation is not domain-joined, you can cause locally running programs to authenticate to remote computers as a different user than they are running as. If you launch a program from the console as:

runas /netonly /user:DOMAIN\Username C:\Path\To\Application.exe

The program will run as the locally logged on user, but any network access that supports Windows authentication will appear to come from the given domain account.

Stephen Jennings

Posted 2011-05-09T13:13:09.227

Reputation: 21 788

This worked for me. Two options, create a BAT/CMD dos commands file or create a windows shortcut with this command. While you're there, have fun in changing the shortcut icon on shortcut properties dialog. :) – SarjanWebDev – 2013-07-25T03:41:00.123