Remap Copy and Paste shortcuts on a Mac



I use Windows at work and a Mac at home. One of the biggest issues is the difference between the copy paste shortcuts on Windows vs the Mac i.e. Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V on Windows and on the Mac its Command + C and Command + V. Invariably its hard because of learnt motor skills where my hand always shapes itself to the Windows Ctrl + C configuration(I have been using Windows longer)

I would like to remap the Copy and Paste to the Fn + C and Fn + V on the Mac. Why? Because the Fn key is actually the key that corresponds to where the Ctrl key is on Windows keyboards and since its the last edge key its easy to find. I have tried Double Command but it doesn't seem to have an option of turning Fn to the Command key.


Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 745



I was able to get this to work by using a combination of DoubleCommand and jtbandes hint from here. First check the function key acts as control key box in Double command. Then save the file ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict with the contents

{"^c" = "copy:";}
{"^v" = "paste:";}
{"^x" = "cut:";}

After you logout and log back in you should be able to use fn-c to copy etc. There are obvious drawbacks to this approach. You have to explicitly define every command you want to use fn for and mapping to control and then fn is really hacky. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get it to work another way. At first I thought you might be able to select both the "command key acts as control key" check box and the "fn key acts as control key" but that didn't seem to work. Ditto for changing to control with Alex's method above. I was also unable to find the modifier for assigning commands to fn, and Apple's documentation seems to indicate that it's done at a lower level than keybinding has access to. If someone knows a better way of doing this I would love to see it.


Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 291

Not work for me in Mac os 10.11 – demon101 – 2016-08-12T08:23:25.100

I'll accept this answer, but I'm still looking for a silver bullet solution.. – Linzdp – 2009-09-01T15:01:47.720


Go System Preference > Keyboard > keyboard shortcuts and set Application Keyboard Shortcuts > All Applications

Add shortcut

Copy ^C

Undo ^Z

Cut ^X

Paste ^V

Select All ^A

Done :)


Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 1 191

@Drew, I noticed the Sublime Text problem with Undo too. The menu entry says Undo [previous action]. Do you think maybe we can use wildcards in the shortcut definition? Probably a new questions... – Chris – 2015-04-22T06:33:59.827

yes but some programs have pre-existing mappings for ctrl-c/ctrl-v on a mac. if you make ctrl-c/ctrl-v map to command-c/command-v then you will have an issue. – Alexander Mills – 2015-05-18T18:11:37.440

Q: what programs have pre-existing mappings for ctrl-c/ctrl-v on a mac? Seriously... if I knew, I could possibly arrange for a multi-step mapping to handle them. – Krazy Glew – 2015-12-31T02:26:24.087

A: Terminal maps Control-C on a mac. Although mapping the copy function to Control-C does not appear to affect the operation. – Charles – 2016-05-15T03:51:36.550

4OMG... my life is going to be soooo much better now! – TimC – 2017-09-07T06:03:31.853

Thanks! This is the best solution I found so far for the issues of passing from ubuntu to mac! – SeF – 2018-10-15T18:52:32.813

Some apps works fine, but my desktop does not. I can select all by ^+A, but still copy by command+c – thecr0w – 2019-05-04T03:07:35.113

Good answer, but not exactly correct. On Mojave (10.14) at least, you need to specify the menu commands as "Edit->Copy", "Edit->Cut", etc.. Also, the OP was asking to remap the function keys. This does not seem to be possible with this method. – Duncan – 2019-09-11T16:25:25.197

5Read the question to the end. – Daniel Beck – 2011-12-01T09:47:42.177

1worked like a charm for the actions listed. Doesn't have a negative effect on RDP like remapping Command <-> Control buttons. – Alex – 2012-03-28T14:31:23.020

5This is the answer. Works on Mac, RDP, VMWare Fusion and Parallels. – Mark Cooper – 2012-10-15T12:11:36.713

2This is amazing, and works very well for other applications as well. For example, in Chrome I can now manage tabs using the same shortcuts I use on my PC. I had been previously trying to do this through an extension, but this way is much more reliable. Thank you! – Liam – 2012-11-12T17:47:26.423

1So happy! This works like a champ! – Ryan Anderson – 2013-01-15T00:49:14.453

5The question asked for the fn key, isn't this only for control? – Jon-Eric – 2013-02-07T05:14:05.717

2This doesn't work for me, for some reason, it looks like it should, "Edit" lights up when I press ^A, but cursor just moves to the beginning, it doesn't select all. – Karthik T – 2013-07-22T02:06:39.660

It seems to work now after restart, at least in some places.. firefox still not working – Karthik T – 2013-07-22T02:16:50.920

7In Mavericks, those shortcuts can be added here: Launchpad -> System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts tab -> select App Shortcuts in the left panel -> click the + icon.

Another shortcut to add: Save ^S.

Also, the above solution will not work in programs that change the menu text, like how Sublime Text changes the entry for “Undo" – Drew – 2014-04-10T01:08:27.103


You could try to map Command to the Control key, and vice-versa. It's much easier to do and, in my opinion, is almost identical to Windows keyboards.

Just go to System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard. On the lower left side is a button, Modifier Keys... Just switch Control and Command around.


Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 16 172

1This also totally breaks Vim. – Dan – 2017-11-02T19:46:37.663

2This has a bad effect if you RDP into Windows. – Alex – 2012-03-28T14:25:46.460

1This is also not a good solution if you use a lot of Java apps in Mac (which typically use the <kbd>Control</kdb> key as it's used in windows) or if you use Terminal a lot, which also uses the <kbd>Control</kdb> in more traditional ways. – Jherico – 2012-06-25T17:21:54.707

1This also has the unfortunate effect of swapping ctrl+tab and command+tab. – Braden Anderson – 2013-09-19T14:43:30.623


1 - Go to "apple"
2 - Go to "system preferences"
3 - Go to "keyboard"
4 - On "keyboard", go to the "keyboard" tab
5 - Go to "modifier keys.."
6 - Change the "Control ( ) Key" drop down box to "Command"
7 - Click "ok"


Control+C = copy
Control+V = paste, and
Control+Z = undo


Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 99


Maybe not as easy as using 3rd party tooling, but in 10.6 Snow Leopard one can use the following AppleScript to send the existing Command-C or Command-V keys, and then add that script to a key of your choice.

Something like:

tell application "System Events"
    keystroke "c" using {command down}
end tell

(This won't let you use the fn key though.)


Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 29 084


Try IronAHK. It's a complete rewrite of AutoHotkey which you can use to remap keys and make shortcuts.

John T

Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 149 037

Your link is broken – deltree – 2015-05-26T15:49:44.490

It's not a complete rewrite - unfortunately far from it. It may do what the OP wants however. – Matthew – 2012-09-14T22:27:09.307


I use the arttioz way, do it with Application Shortcuts, but it have some problem.

If I switch language to Chinese, the Menu Title need to use the Chinese word. :-(


  • 拷貝 ^C
  • 還原/還原輸入 ^Z
  • 剪下 ^X
  • 貼上 ^V
  • 全選 ^A

Chu-Saing Lai

Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 171

I thought about this issue as soon as I read the solution. – jpierson – 2015-08-28T03:21:51.627


Best solution is to install Karabiner.

After installation enable the Complex Modifications > PC Shortcuts List

Ton Snoei

Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 101

Why do you think that your suggested app is the best solution? Have you tested yourself? – CaldeiraG – 2018-04-20T12:09:12.913

Yes, for me this is the best solution to work with. I use it right now. I tried solutions above but they don't work out the way I need (as a former Windows guy). – Ton Snoei – 2018-05-07T08:31:26.833


This is a more complete list based on the awesome answer of arttioz

Go System Preference > Keyboard > keyboard shortcuts and set Application Keyboard Shortcuts > All Applications

Add shortcut

  • Copy ^C

  • Undo ^Z

  • Redo Shift-^Z

  • Cut ^X

  • Paste ^V

  • Select All ^A

  • Find... ^F

You might also want to add some application specific ones, like for Google Chrome:

  • Paste and Match Style Shift-^V

  • Use Selection for Find ^E

  • Find Next ^G

  • Find Previous Shift-^-G

You can find existing menu key shortcuts in an application's menu bar and rebind all of them using the exact names displayed there. You can also verify the change there.


Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 101


If you're using a desktop at work, you might want to try using command for a while. I've found my muscle memory now seems sensitive to the style of keyboard I'm typing on. It gets confused with laptops, though. And when I had to use the 1998 version of the Apple keyboard.

On the other hand, if you use a laptop, this is utterly irrelevant.

Benjamin Dobson

Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 1 021


You can basically do any remapping you like with the application

Martin Odhelius

Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 101

In case the link goes dead, this app's name is Karabiner, previously KeyRemap4MacBook – Andi Mohr – 2015-10-23T10:12:13.797


image: added the shortcuts in mac preference

image: only partly works

I added the shortcut in mac preference, but only partly works, why?


Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 99

Consider adding description of the steps you are taking in the screenshots. – Ulincsys – 2019-05-04T04:29:27.363


There's an easier way as well

  1. Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard tab -> Modifier keys

  2. Swap the Control and Cmd keys

  3. Select Ok

Daniel Smith

Posted 2009-08-23T05:06:47.670

Reputation: 1