How can I render a website as an image from the shell?


Looking to say " -o website.png"

Is there an existing program to do this? I'm ok with doing html to png. Is there a program for that?


Posted 2011-05-07T12:01:08.140


Do you want webpage screenshots? – None – 2011-05-07T12:02:25.430

@PENDO yes screenshots. @Mohamed Meligy looking to script something in the shell. – None – 2011-05-07T12:15:06.840

If you want to "script something in the shell" then you need a command-line application to do it, and @Mohamed Meligy's comment still applies. – pavium – 2011-05-07T12:21:28.373

I think you need a html to pdf and image converter.

– None – 2012-02-06T17:06:33.667



Original Answer: (2011 -- before question tags added)

Check the answer to this question. It seems the same as yours:

If it's on Windows, check also:

Updated Answer:

A few other console / terminal based tools that can convert HTML to images.

They are both cross OS, free, and very popular.


Posted 2011-05-07T12:01:08.140

Reputation: 210


quick search turns up this program

Main features

  • Create full size screenshots of website pages.
  • Supports JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP image formats.
  • Supports command line usage.
  • Supports batch convert with command line.
  • Simple, very fast and easy-to-use.
  • Freeware, not paid for use.


Posted 2011-05-07T12:01:08.140

Reputation: 529


While it is no direct solution, the browsershots project is open source and basically provides what is requested here.

Der Hochstapler

Posted 2011-05-07T12:01:08.140

Reputation: 77 228