I'm looking to install an Untangle server as a component in my home network as a simple firewall and internet content filter. I will be running a separate machine on the network for HTTP and media serving, so I really wish to tailor this machine to serve its purpose well with little or no overhead. Since all packets will be traveling through this machine, it needs enough horsepower to keep network operations flowing quickly and smoothly, but at the same time, I'd like it to use as little power as possible. It will be running Untangle and OpenSSH server and little, if anything, else.
For the processor, I'm thinking about getting one from the Intel i3 line (dual-core/low power); small motherboard (I'd really like to be able to rackmount the whole thing in a 2U-3U case); I don't think I'll need anything greater than 2GB of RAM (if that); and a small SSD to keep things power-friendly and fast.
Can anyone recommend a setup best-tailored to the task?
How about http://bit.ly/ij0ud0 for the processor? Looks like a sweet combo, and is very cheap.
– Naftuli Kay – 2011-05-03T19:35:03.663looks good enough just make sure to also get a second NIC, a mainboard with dual NICs are expensive but an expansion card is cheap as hell. Oh and as a side note I think you don't need an SSD but get more RAM and just load anything into the RAM, Logfiles and stuff can still be on the HDD they don't kneed power. – DemonWareXT – 2011-05-04T06:37:37.527
FYI this is that I use http://goo.gl/HKByk
– DemonWareXT – 2011-05-04T07:32:25.053