How to get Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard play/pause key to control Pandora?


I would like to make the play/pause key on my keyboard stop/resume music in Pandora. How can I do this?

It's quite a good keyboard, and fairly common, so I figure someone must know how. My specific model is the Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000.

Calvin Fisher

Posted 2011-04-29T16:26:27.517

Reputation: 347



OpenPandora has bindings for the Logitech G15 keyboard. I used it with my G110 a while ago and it worked. I haven't tried out the app since Pandora got the new HTML5 interface, but it's worth a shot.


Posted 2011-04-29T16:26:27.517

Reputation: 265

Interesting project. It didn't compile for me right off of source code - it was the G15 libraries, actually - and it looks like it would require some more work besides. If only there were the time for it! I'll consider that a "can't be done" for now... – Calvin Fisher – 2012-04-12T04:06:48.213


I was a long-time user of OpenPandora, but I found that it stopped working a while back when Pandora redesigned their site. Since then I switched to using the Pandora One application.

A person named Philip has created an AutoHotKey script which he posted to his blog. To get this to work with the play/pause key, do the following:

  1. Download AutoHotKey and install it.
  2. Download the script from the blog post above.
  3. Using your favorite text editor, modify the pandoraone.ahk file as follows:

    Find the block with the following code:

    ; Ctrl-Win-Alt-Space, Pause/Resume Playing
    If DoesPandoraExist()
        ControlSend, , {SPACE} ; PlayToggle

    Then add the Media_Play_Pause key:

    ; Ctrl-Win-Alt-Space, Pause/Resume Playing
    If DoesPandoraExist()
        ControlSend, , {SPACE} ; PlayToggle
  4. Start the Pandora One application.

  5. Double-click the pandoraone.ahk file.
  6. Now use either the Play/Pause button or the Ctrl-Win-Alt-Space combination to play/pause Pandora One.

If you want, you can also make use of the previous, next and stop keys on your keyboard if they exist. Just use the appropriate key definition and add it to the appropriate script block for the function you want to perform.

Also, you can have AutoHotKey re-compile your modified script into an .exe by right-clicking and selecting "Compile Script." This will update the pandoraone.exe file with your changes, which you could then call from a batch script, for example.

Holistic Developer

Posted 2011-04-29T16:26:27.517

Reputation: 337