Import passwords from lastpass to keepassx



I was wondering how if there were any current ways to import lastpass passwords to keepass/keepassx? I found the program, but it doesn't seem to work anymore (lastpass updated their csv fields?).


Posted 2011-04-29T03:49:59.437

Reputation: 459



Well, doesn't seem like there were any, so I hacked together a quick php script to do it.

If anyone else needs to do it. Run this script, paste the exported csv in the textarea, and input the outputted csv file to keepass.

if (isset($_POST["submit"]))
    //Loop through, build a multi array;
    $parsedCSV = array();
    //Columns (in order) to parse out.
    $ColumnAssociation = array("%%name%%","%%username%%","%%password%%","%%url%%","%%extra%%"); //The xml strings to use for output, replace %%COLUMNNAME%% with COLUMNVALUE

    $LastPassHeaders = array();

    $inQuotes = false;
    $quoteType = '';
    $curColumn = 0;

    //My epic parser, I know, deal with it (it wasn't meant to be modified)
    $first = true;
    $curLine = 0;
    foreach (explode("\n",$_POST["csvinput"]) as $line)
        if (empty($line))  //I do this instead of searching for \r\n, because linux just uses \n (I think :/)

        $letters = str_split($line);
        //print_r( $letters);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($letters); $i++)
            /*if ($first) //get lastpass's headers (they are the first row


            //Set inQuotes
            if (!$inQuotes && $letters[$i] == "'" && ($i - 1 < 0 || $letters[$i - 1] != '\\')) //Not Inquotes, matching singlequote, not prefixed with escape character
                $inQuotes = true;
                $quoteType = "'";
            else if (!$inQuotes && $letters[$i] == '"' && ($i - 1 < 0 || $letters[$i - 1] != '\\')) //Not Inquotes, matching doublequote, not prefixed with escape character
                $inQuotes = true;
                $quoteType = '"';
            else if ($inQuotes && $letters[$i] == $quoteType && ($i - 1 < 0 || $letters[$i - 1] != '\\')) //Inquotes, is the endquote, and isn't prefixed with an escape character
                $inQuotes = false;
                $quoteType = '';
            //Finished with quotes

            if (!$inQuotes && $letters[$i] == ',' && ($i - 1 < 0 || $letters[$i - 1] != '\\'))
                /*if ($curColumn > count($ColumnAssociation))
                    throw new Exception("TO MANY COLUMNS FTW");*/

            //Well, because lastpass doesn't incapsulate their stuff, I guess I'll just wing it
            if (!$first) //If not headers, parse normally
                if (!isset($parsedCSV[$curLine][$LastPassHeaders[$curColumn]]))
                    $parsedCSV[$curLine][$LastPassHeaders[$curColumn]] = "";
                $parsedCSV[$curLine][$LastPassHeaders[$curColumn]] .= $letters[$i];
            else if ($first)
                if (!isset($LastPassHeaders[$curColumn]))
                    $LastPassHeaders[$curColumn] = '';
                $LastPassHeaders[$curColumn] .= $letters[$i];
        if ($inQuotes)
            throw new Exception('Error, Unexpected end of line (Check quotes)');

        $curColumn = 0;
        if ($first)
            $first = false;
            $curLine++; //Put this here so it only adds to the column number if the current row wasn't the first row (header)

    $output = '"Account","Login Name","Password","Web Site","Comments"'."\r\n";
    //Alright, now reprint in xml format
    foreach ($parsedCSV as $row)
        //Don't output Generated passwords?
        if (isset($_POST["rgp"]) && $_POST["rgp"] && stristr($row['name'],'Generated Password for '))

        //$output .= "<pwentry>\r\n";

        foreach ($ColumnAssociation as $xmlstring) //first loop through each xml string
            $nxml = $xmlstring;
            foreach ($LastPassHeaders as $name) //then loop through each possible variable in the string
                if (isset($row[$name])) //because if a column is empty, it isn't even set in the array
                    $nxml = str_replace('%%'.$name.'%%',$row[$name],$nxml); //then replace found variables
                    $nxml = str_replace('%%'.$name.'%%','',$nxml); //just because it isn't set, doesn't mean it isn't a real variable, hide it

            $output .= '"'.$nxml.'",';
        $output = substr($output,0,-1); //remove end ,
        //$output .= "</pwentry>\r\n";
        $output .= "\r\n";


    // It will be called lastpass-export.csv
    echo $output;
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>" method="POST">
<textarea name="csvinput" cols="100" rows="20"></textarea><BR />

Remove Generated Passwords? <input type="checkbox" name="rgp"/ ><BR/>

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Generate" />
Created By Mazzzzz


Posted 2011-04-29T03:49:59.437

Reputation: 459


hey you could also have a look at this

– rzlines – 2011-04-29T05:41:31.490

1@mazzzzz Hello, is your script safe and does not send sensitive data to you? Do you have updated version of this script? – Boris_yo – 2012-03-12T07:21:39.173

1I made sure to put up the source code so it could be peer reviewed (you're right, this isn't something you should trust to proprietary software). I've also got a good score here +; and nobody else has commented it to have a data leak; And of course if you don't feel safe using it you can look for another option ;). – Ben – 2012-03-13T03:05:36.647


As of 19/Dec/2012 the script does indeed work.

Just export your LastPass data in CSV format then run it through the python script, then import it into KeePass (I used KeePassX)

Andrew Burns

Posted 2011-04-29T03:49:59.437

Reputation: 223


Export your LastPass passwords to a CSV file. Click on LastPass browser icon, go to Tools > Export to > LastPass CSV file.

Next, in KeePass go to File > Import > Generic CSV file. This should import the passwords.

Sathyajith Bhat

Posted 2011-04-29T03:49:59.437

Reputation: 58 436

1A good idea, but keepass doesn't like lastpass's export. – Ben – 2011-04-29T04:28:40.823


As of KeePassX 2.0.2 and lastpass2keepass of Oct 23, 2014, it's not possible to import neither XML nor CSV into KeePassX.
There are just no such button (only kdb import provided).

Any known workarounds?

Yes, it's KeePassXC - drop the conversion step and go straight to CSV import (check 1st line as field names).


Posted 2011-04-29T03:49:59.437

Reputation: 231