Error during installation of MySQL (Could not start service)


I am trying to install MySQL but I keep getting an error! I am using mysql-5.5.11-winx64.msi on Windows 7 x64.

The error message reads

Could not start the service MySQL

Now the installer just hangs and then crashes.

When I try to start the service from an administrator command prompt with net start mysql, It just says

The MySQL service cannot be started. System error 1067 has occurred. The process terminated unexpectedly.


Posted 2011-04-28T21:24:40.897

Reputation: 544

I have seen this problem you told me about. Unfortunately this error happens when you have already installed the service and you try to install it again. I can install MySQL, just not get the service to start properly. – That0therguy – 2011-04-29T02:57:45.260

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