How to access "remote desktop" folder from my local PC?


When I connect to a remote computer using Windows Remote Desktop Connection, how can I access files on that remote desktop from my local Windows Explorer? I'm looking for the opposite of what you can configure in Remote Desktop Connection > Options > Local Resources > More.

Borek Bernard

Posted 2011-04-25T21:19:35.510

Reputation: 11 400

Use the option you mentioned and, in the remote desktop, copy the files to your local drive. – William Jackson – 2011-04-25T21:21:20.507

I need to work with that remote file in a local application so I need that remote file visible locally in some kind of "shared folder". – Borek Bernard – 2011-04-25T21:30:05.720



I don't think RDP supports such a feature. What would I do?

I would set up an FTP server and connect to it, then you wouldn't need to even RDP.

Better yet, I'd set up an SSH server:!205090/geek-to-live--set-up-a-personal-home-ssh-server

Then, I'd get dokan sshfs

This way, the remote computer's drive would be mapped and ready to work with on my local computer.


Posted 2011-04-25T21:19:35.510

Reputation: 56



Posted 2011-04-25T21:19:35.510

Reputation: 1

2Please quote the essential parts of the answer from the reference link(s), as the answer can become invalid if the linked page(s) change. – DavidPostill – 2016-03-02T23:18:52.510

@Damien please dont leave link witch will become non-existing and therefore no one will know why you posted link. Post answer if you have some – Kangarooo – 2018-04-25T07:04:49.460

That link is dead – Panagiotis Kanavos – 2019-09-23T08:16:52.083