I want to convert a HD MOV file in a format that is playable on the PS3. I tried different tools but none of them worked correctly.
after converting the resolution is awful or the conversion stopped after a few minutes or didn't even start.
Does anyone know a tool that really works and keeps the resolution?
I tried handbrake but it didn't work for me. Actually I can't remember why right now. I have to try again. Any other transcoder suggestions? – None – 14 years ago
@user575376: What about it didn't work? I've never had a problem using this software, and it's highly recommended by every review I've ever seen. If you don't get good results with any of the software you've tried, it's more than likely a problem with the video file you're trying to convert rather than the converter tool. – Cody Gray – 14 years ago
you could be right. I will get the current release of handbrake and try it again. maybe it is the file. i will download a hd movie trailer in mov format and try this also. – None – 14 years ago