Autohotkey sends literal text does not read variables


My case is simple and i don't know what i'm doing wrong, the tutorial is clear about this, it should work. When i write pste i want the contents of the clipboard send as keystrokes(i'm using it to paste text in windows console that do not support ctrl+v) so far i've tried

:*:pste::Send, %clipboard%
:*:pste::Send %clipboard% ;no comma
:*:pste::Send, %Clipboard%
:*:pste:: %clipboard%
:*:pste:: %Clipboard%

in every single case it writes down the text after :: so i type pste and the script writes %clipboard% or Send, %Clipboard% and so forth if it matters im not compiling the ahk

Guillermo Siliceo Trueba

Posted 2011-04-20T04:48:27.043

Reputation: 846

1If you got it to work, please post the solution as an answer and not an edit. I'm getting rid of the edit so you can put it as a real answer. – Wuffers – 2011-04-20T05:00:20.830



Send %clipboard%

Guillermo Siliceo Trueba

Posted 2011-04-20T04:48:27.043

Reputation: 846


According to variables are not supported in hotstrings.


Posted 2011-04-20T04:48:27.043

Reputation: 1

You can't use them inline, but see the accepted answer to see how to use them. – yhw42 – 2012-11-18T13:09:37.590