Mac OS X - Magic Mouse - increasing the scroll speed



I have a Magic Mouse on my iMac and I am using BetterTouchTool. How do I increase the scrolling speed? I want to scroll more swiping smaller distances...

I want to set the scrolling more than the maximum possible at the preference values.

Probably I will need some sort of terminal command.



Posted 2011-04-18T14:59:13.560

Reputation: 1 318

Past the maximum at System Preferences ‣ Mouse? – Lri – 2011-04-19T06:00:11.400

yes! way more than that. – SpaceDog – 2011-04-19T07:49:57.457



You can apply a custom acceleration value: defaults write -g -float <float> and relogin.

The scale seems to be roughly linear and to not have any practical maximum limit.

Editing the NSGlobalDomain plist in a text editor: f=~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist; cp $f $f-; plutil -convert xml1 $f; open -a TextEdit $f


Posted 2011-04-18T14:59:13.560

Reputation: 34 501

I can't believe I found this answer after like 3 hours of googling and it actually worked in 2017........... Unreal. How does BetterTouchTool not have this built in? – Tallboy – 2018-03-14T05:39:54.597