I'll be moving across the country shortly but my desktop computer will be staying put here with power and internet hooked up. I want to be able to connect using my laptop to get or stream files, and run virtual machines.
Ideally I want to run it as energy efficient as possible. That's priority one. What are some things I can do to achieve this? (ie: remove the video card? Underclock the CPU?)
Right now I have a great and slightly modified install of Ubuntu 10.10. I'd like to avoid disrupting the system and add as few packages as possible.
Will it be possible to sleep/wake remotely?
Are there any good articles you can point out to get me started?
Thanks. I was thinking of using a simple remote desktop application, but that seems like it might be a bit much if I'm only trying to stream music or movies. No? I mean I want to go as lightweight as possible on the laptop that's going to be connecting as well. – winchendonsprings – 2011-04-18T02:38:26.050
You should be fine with a remote desktop even if you only have a laptop. I can do it with my ipad very smoothly and its much less powerful than your laptop. – n0pe – 2011-04-18T12:15:07.780