I have a set of headphones that have a built-in mic for hands-free calling. They work great on my Sony Ericsson Cedar cellphone.
The problem is that when I connect headphone to my Dell N5010 laptop to listen to music, the quality is horrible, with very weak or no vocals.
When I hold down the talk button on the mic, however, it changes: the quality goes up. When I let go, it goes back to sounding bad. When I adjust the jack by pulling it out and moving it around, the quality goes back up, but I have to hold the jack in place.
I've looked for a way to configure the sound card but found nothing.
Is there a solution besides gluing down the talk button on the mic?
1I have a muc simpler solution: dont push the plug all the way in! I had the same problem with the plug oushed all the way in, but when I pulled it out so that one "ring" was outside the jack, the problem disappeared. – None – 2011-11-09T19:31:08.563
possible duplicate of Distortion on human voices but not music
– kinokijuf – 2013-09-16T20:18:23.643