scriptable/non curses IM clients



Just something I've been curious about. I've been messing a fair bit with some of my own scripts, and in some cases, getting sent an IM would be useful to let me know when a task is done.

So, here's what I need:

  1. the ability to set account information in a text file
  2. It'd be okay if I can designate only a single recipient, or set recipients in the config file
  3. at the very least, jabber support
  4. Be able to be controlled via standard shell commands - for example I should be able to pipe a message output into the program for example

sh|climprog -recipient

should send the output of foo.txt via the I'm programme to a set recipient on the account's contact list.

Anything that fits the bill?

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2011-04-16T03:15:27.193

Reputation: 119 122



I'm thinking bitlbee and ii maybe.

My idea is basically that you have a setup of bitlbee running,which connects to a series of IM services and presents a IRC-server for you to connect to. Then you use ii, which is a fs-based IRC-client, it creates a directory structure with all channels, queries and so on that you are connected to. I haven't used it myself but I'm guessing you get a structure similar to:

  |  (this is the control channel where you communicate with the IM-connections)
  |- #bitlbee.out (this is where you read)
  |- (this is where you write)
  |  (this is the IM-presence you want to communicate with, for example yourself)
  |- nickname.out (when you send commands to your bot they end up here)
  |- (when the bot is saying something to the user it should be append to this file)
  |  (some other user you want to notify about things)
  |- othernick.out

Then you just have a script in whatever language that just reads and writes from those files. echo "Hello World" >> bitlbee/


Posted 2011-04-16T03:15:27.193

Reputation: 138

Could you please provide some more information about what these are and how they would be helpful? – nhinkle – 2011-04-17T21:24:05.633

Thanks for updating your post! It looks much better now :) – nhinkle – 2011-04-17T22:26:01.050

OOH, inelegant, ugly and hackish - i totally approve. It'll need some setup and testing before i can mark it as the right answer, but for now, +1 for a rather interesting solution. – Journeyman Geek – 2011-04-18T05:45:03.197

Yeah, it's way too much software... but the good thing is that it all already exists. You basically just have to write the script that does the logic :) – Hobblin – 2011-04-18T11:19:11.347

well, it does everything i need it to. Who cares how ugly it is ;) – Journeyman Geek – 2011-04-21T11:11:58.023