Ports for NAT'ed Windows share



Simple question: I have a NATed Linux at home that hosts a couple of samba shares. What Ports should I forward from the router to the Linux box so as to be able to access those shares from the internet with windows explorer (a la "\my.dyndns.org\shares\xxx" style)? I want the minimum number of port openings that I should do in the router config to have read/write functionality.

EDIT: Client machine is a Vista one


Posted 2011-04-14T08:09:44.400

Reputation: 253



  • TCP 139, "NetBIOS Session" – SMB wrapped in NetBIOS for compatibility
  • TCP 445, SMB – the preferred method, SMB directly over TCP
  • ICMP Echo (Ping) – used by Windows to check whether the machine is up.

"NetBIOS Name Service" is TCP/UDP 137, and "NetBIOS Datagram" is UDP 138, but you do not need any of these to connect to shares. These days it is only necessary for "network browsing", which only works within a LAN anyway.


Posted 2011-04-14T08:09:44.400

Reputation: 283 655

Aha you're right. Although my 'answer' would have worked i think, I've edited it to the preferred solution. I still reckon openssh is a better way to go. – Pricey – 2011-04-14T09:35:23.260

1Vista has a problem making 445 work with forwarding. See my answer for a nice solution link about how to do CIFS over SSH on Vista. – Paralife – 2011-04-14T13:44:17.573


445 for tcp

Contrary to the original answer here, there's no reason to allow 137-139 which should be blocked.

However, I strongly recommend you do not do this. I don't think leaving a samba share internet-accessible is a good idea.

Please please please set up a secure solution such as an ssh server, so that you can scp/sftp data back and forth.

P.s. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/832017 seems to be a good reference of ports required by windows servers and http://www.petri.co.il/whats_port_445_in_w2k_xp_2003.htm explains the above a little more in depth.


Posted 2011-04-14T08:09:44.400

Reputation: 4 262

there is nothing wrong in opening WAN against TCP445 as long as you setup firewall to allow specifics – mschr – 2016-11-17T03:27:39.210

@mschr So in summary, there is something wrong with opening 445 on the wan unless you setup further restrictions. ;-) – Pricey – 2016-11-21T14:57:56.237

Thanks I am so ** stupid, I ve been trying all day, but forgot UDP... – Paralife – 2011-04-14T08:32:16.267

Also for the security issue I ll try to do it over ssh tunnels. Wouldnt be this secure enough? – Paralife – 2011-04-14T08:32:55.410

...btw, can ssh tunneling handle udp connections? – Paralife – 2011-04-14T08:36:50.180


Tunneling samba through ssh is certainly possible, here's a guide: http://www.axllent.org/docs/networking/samba_over_ssh

– Pricey – 2011-04-14T08:39:49.730

I've edited my answer after grawity's answer as he makes a good point, even if my answer would have worked. – Pricey – 2011-04-14T09:36:54.150

1139 is not for browsing... Older Windows versions use it for the SMB protocol, wrapped inside a NetBIOS session. So it has exactly the same security issues as 445 (raw SMB). – user1686 – 2011-04-14T10:44:38.557

Bah leave me alone, I'm going back to Linux! :-) (post edited) – Pricey – 2011-04-14T10:48:08.047


OK here is a guide that could make my grandma do it in 5 mins. Worked without a glitch


Posted 2011-04-14T08:09:44.400

Reputation: 253