Clean my Windows 7 of software remains



does anybody know a tool which cleans windows 7 out of old folders which remained in C:\ after uninstalling a software.

For example I removed VS 2005 years ago and still have some folders under C:\Program Files\

I am thankful for each advice


problem is there is NOT only VS 2005 by Microsoft but also other tools which have remainings in my system. So I know the MS Uninstaller tool which is helpful for MS software, but I need a tool which cleans my system of ALL remaining folders which are not used any more by any software.

Thx for your kind help here...


Posted 2011-04-14T08:06:36.677

Reputation: 161



You could try this it will scan your computer for every empty folder, i've not used it but maybe you can tailor it to your needs.

Arch Angel

Posted 2011-04-14T08:06:36.677

Reputation: 658

wow this little piece of software is AWESOME. Exactly what I've been looking for. Thx! – MUG4N – 2011-04-14T18:08:22.170


You should use Revo Uninstaller (Free) to uninstall your programs. After uninstalling the program with its native uninstaller, it searchs for your disk and the entire registry for probable leftovers (files, folders, registry entries).

Mehper C. Palavuzlar

Posted 2011-04-14T08:06:36.677

Reputation: 51 093

Does it also work afterwards. Because as I said I uninstalled some tools years ago – MUG4N – 2011-04-14T08:12:41.897

@MUG4N: No. One possibility is to reinstall VS 2005 and then to uninstall it using Revo. That was what I did in the past. – Mehper C. Palavuzlar – 2011-04-14T08:15:23.877


After running the un-install s/ware and saving a restore point I've used everything file search utility. You can locate all folders/files with say "VS" in their name and delete them. Sometimes involves a bit of detective work and if in doubt leave them alone - what's a few kB between friends!


Posted 2011-04-14T08:06:36.677

Reputation: 1 514

sorry but I am not only interested in VS... – MUG4N – 2011-04-14T12:14:27.850

as I said I need a tool which locates all of these folders of any old software – MUG4N – 2011-04-14T12:15:07.460


You could start with the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. It's a Microsoft utility. Tou cannot download it from Microsoft anymore but you will still find it by googling up for "MSICUU2.exe".

If you need a specific GUID, you can look up the registry entries in


Cycle through all the entries because Visual Studio bundles come as many different products.

For each key you should have a string value named "Uninstallstring" which usually translates to

MsiExec.exe /X{TheGUID}

You can safely paste this entry at the CMD prompt.

Then, once you're sure that the registry has nothing left, and if there are still folders in c:\Program Files, you can just wipe them out.

Alain Pannetier

Posted 2011-04-14T08:06:36.677

Reputation: 722

Thx I already have that tool. Problem is there are not only MS tools I wanna get rid of ... – MUG4N – 2011-04-14T08:28:07.760

1@MUG4N, The Windows Installer CleanUp Utility will work for all installed products. Regardless of whether they are developed y MS or not. Any entry in the registry key I've mentioned can be uninstalled through MsiExec: Just lookup the entry "UninstallString" String value for that entry. Even if it's absent you should always be able to type MsiExec.exe /X<theGuid> – Alain Pannetier – 2011-04-14T09:10:03.380

you are right but I have still useless folders under C:\ of software I uninstalled long ago. – MUG4N – 2011-04-14T09:39:07.453

1wipe the folders out --> I want a tool exactly for this !! – MUG4N – 2011-04-14T09:40:06.547


you should consider ccleaner to remove the unwanted files and folders which software leave behind after uninstallation. And it also clean the registry.


Posted 2011-04-14T08:06:36.677

Reputation: 881

1yeah great software but it does delete only few folders so most of the unused folders still exist after using ccleaner – MUG4N – 2011-04-14T09:37:53.663


Have you tried using the native Disk Cleanup feature? It's what I usually use:


Posted 2011-04-14T08:06:36.677

Reputation: 692