Where is Vista storing my "deleted" desktop icon?


I've installed v1 of some software, then uninstalled it. After that I cleared all references to this software- no files in "program files" folder, no registry entries, nothing.

Then I installed v2 of the same software. Weirdly, the desktop icon is the v1 version, instead of v2 (except when icons view is switched to "classic mode"- it's ok then)

I tried installing v2 on another fresh vista machine, and the icon is correct. So I know Vista is storing the deleted icon somewhere. But where!!??!!

I'm using Vista Business edition.


Posted 2011-04-12T08:09:31.700

Reputation: 1 055



Sounds like Vista is storing the previous icon in the Icon Cache. To fix this, you'll want to force Windows to rebuild the icon cache.

To rebuid the icon cache:

Make sure you don't have any unsaved work - following these steps will restart your computer to finish the process.

Open a cmd window by clicking the Start button and typing "cmd" and pressing Enter.

At the prompt, type the following:

  1. taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F and press Enter
  2. cd /d %userprofile%\AppData\Local and press Enter (if on Windows XP, see note below)
  3. del IconCache.db /a and press Enter
  4. shutdown /r /t 0 and press Enter

Note: If you're on Windows XP, for step 2, type cd /d %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data

What this does:

  1. You force explorer.exe to exit. This will make your taskbar and any open "My Computer" windows close. The /IM tells the program, taskkill, to find the file by it's image name (which is explorer.exe), and the /F tells taskkill to force it to close.
  2. Switches the command prompt to the directory where the icon cache is stored. In Vista and Windows 7, this is in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\. In Windows XP, this is at C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\.
  3. Deletes the icon cache file.
  4. Restarts your computer so the icon cache can be rebuilt. The /r tells the computer to restart after shutting down, and the /t 0 is the amount of time until the restart (it defaults to 30 seconds, saying 0 makes it immediate).

Jared Harley

Posted 2011-04-12T08:09:31.700

Reputation: 11 692

This seems like the obvious answer. But strangely I deleted the file IconCache.db in C:\UsersMe\AppData\Local but still I'm stuck with the old icon. It must be stored elsewhere too. – Urbycoz – 2011-04-12T10:18:14.573


Have you checked All users' desktop folder? A search in C:\Users / C:\Documents and settings ought to give away where the shortcut is stored.

Why the program acts this way, however, would best be answered by the software manufacturer.


Posted 2011-04-12T08:09:31.700

Reputation: 115

Yes, I tried looking there too. The problem is....I am the software manufacturer :-) I wrote the program, but I just can't get the icon to update in Vista. Works fine in XP. – Urbycoz – 2011-04-12T09:19:07.067


Did you looked at the icon cache as well?



Posted 2011-04-12T08:09:31.700

Reputation: 3 540

This seems like the obvious answer. But strangely I deleted the file IconCache.db in C:\Users*Me*\AppData\Local but still I'm stuck with the old icon. It must be stored elsewhere too. – Urbycoz – 2011-04-12T09:42:03.530