chmod does not change file permissions


I am trying to create an executable "Hello World" ruby file and I copied an existing, working executable "Hello World" ruby file and renamed it, but the new file does not have any executable permissions. The original file had the following permissions:

-rwxr-xr-x 1

The new file has the following permissions:

-rw-r--r-- 1

I have tried chmod -x [Filename] for the new file as well as sudo chmod, but nothing changes the file permissions. The file permissions remain:

-rw-r--r-- 1

Any attempt to execute the file understandably returns

bash: [filename]: Permission_denied


Posted 2011-04-10T13:54:41.867


The file could be immutable. You can remove this attribute with chattr. The immutable attribute would also prevent the super user from modifying the file. – 0xC0000022L – 2011-04-10T13:58:24.313

Or the driver for the file system (eg. ntfs-3g) may not support file permissions. – K. Norbert – 2011-04-10T14:25:31.253



The command chmod -x [Filename] removes the executable permission from the file you are attempting to execute. If you wanted to make the file executable, you want to try something like chmod +x [Filename] (notice the + in place of minus).


Posted 2011-04-10T13:54:41.867
