windows 7 sftp doesn't connect, ssh works


I use BitKinex on Windows 7 as SFTP client and PuTTY for ssh remote shell.

Out of the blue, sftp stopped working, but putty still connects normaly.

Tried disableing firewall (Avast Internet Security), no changes.

I was under the impression that sftp works "over" ssh, so I am confused right now...

Where should I look for the problem?

ps. using private-public key auth for ssh and sftp.

edit: BitKinex log:

Resolving host name "" ...
Connecting ( => ip:, port: 22 )
Connected (
Initializing the SSH session ...
The server is running SSH2
Key (re)exchange started
New keys in use
Authentication service requested
User authentication started (type: publickey)
Opening channel
Opening sftp subsystem
<<< INIT (version: 3)


Posted 2011-04-05T07:14:17.153

Reputation: 133

You're right about SFTP being an SSH protocol. Did you recently install updates? I know SP1 recently came out... maybe it has something to do with that... – beatgammit – 2011-04-05T07:23:24.857

Does BitKinex have any sort of debug output? Does it give any messages as an error? "stopped working" is a pretty all-catching problem and it would be really useful to get more information how its breaking. I've been trying to find out where to get this information from their website but I can't see anything obvious. Personally I use winscp. – Pricey – 2011-04-05T07:58:50.330

Have you tried WinSCP, or the psftp client that comes with PuTTY? Do they work? – user1686 – 2011-04-05T08:58:11.380

@PriceChild edited question – frnhr – 2011-04-05T11:58:26.227



To answer my own question...

There was an read command in my .bashrc file, so user needs to press any key to get bash prompt.

Commenting out the read solved the problem.


Posted 2011-04-05T07:14:17.153

Reputation: 133