Possible Duplicate:
How can I enable onboard graphics AND dedicated card simultaneously ?
I'm trying to make a 3-monitor system, with an Intel i7 Sandy bridge.
I'm looking at 2 options:
- Get a P67 motherboard, and plug 2 video cards in it (2 DVI outputs each)
- Get a H67 motherboard, plug 1 video card (2 DVI outputs), and use the integrated graphics in the CPU to power the mother-board integrated graphics card.
I read somewhere that if you plug in a video card, then the integrated graphics get disabled automatically. If this is true, then option 2 won't work.
So, will the CPU integrated graphic card work even if I plug in a regular PCI Express 2.0 video card?
Also, should I play games, will they use the much more powerful GPU? Or will they use the CPU graphics card?