Utility for converting Shift-JIS encoded files to UTF-8 encoded files



My client has a ton of Japanese text files which are encoded in Shift-JIS.

They need a utility which can convert these files to UTF-8.

Ideally the tool would offer both command-line and interactive options.

Do you have any suggestions?


Posted 2011-04-01T15:57:21.357

Reputation: 327

Question was closed 2018-09-02T10:56:46.940

this would be better suited on https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/

– phuclv – 2018-08-26T11:28:03.290



iconv (or iconv, as the case may be).

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

Posted 2011-04-01T15:57:21.357

Reputation: 100 516

3iconv <original.file> -f SHIFT-JIS -t UTF8 -c -o <converted.file> – Nicolas Raoul – 2011-10-20T06:32:28.887


ConvertZ is also a good free alternative

ConvertZ is a Chinese/Japanese code converter.


  • Supported file (plain text) and clipboard conversion among the following encodings: big5, gbk, hz, shift-jis, jis, euc-jp, unicode big-endian, unicode little-endian, and utf-8.
  • Batch files conversion
  • Preview before actual conversion.
  • Auto-update the charset in meta tag if specified in HTML docs.
  • Auto-fix mis-mapped Big5/GBK characters.
  • Change encoding of mp3's ID3v1/v2 tag among big5, gbk, shift-jis, unicode and utf-8.

enter image description here

enter image description here


Posted 2011-04-01T15:57:21.357

Reputation: 14 930