Check for new mail without Outlook



Is there an application that will allow me to be notified of new email received via Exchange, without having Outlook started? Basically I want to know when I receive new email without having Outlook running, and then, start Outlook if I find it necessary.


Posted 2011-04-01T08:17:25.957

Reputation: 53



You can achieve this by using OWANotify which is freeware. It checks your Exchange account for new mail via the WebDAV protocol.

enter image description here

Mehper C. Palavuzlar

Posted 2011-04-01T08:17:25.957

Reputation: 51 093

This one is OK but it doesn't seem to support proxy with authentication. Says something about using the proxy settings from IE, but it does not actually get through. – Interfector – 2011-04-01T08:55:58.873

SmartMail Notifier is actually further away then what I am looking for because it does not support the Exchange format. OWANotify is almost there, I'll probably contact them in regards to proxy authentication. – Interfector – 2011-04-01T09:38:33.523