Transparent home page for firefox



How can I make the default page of Firefox for Mac transparent so that one can see everything that is behind it?

Open the way

Posted 2011-03-31T16:03:40.153

Reputation: 6 061

1Can you please elaborate, what do you mean by "so one can see everything that is behind" do you mean you want it transparent so the user can see the desktop? – Sandeep Bansal – 2011-03-31T16:06:00.347

1yes, exactly! or even better, all the windows that are behind firefox's window – Open the way – 2011-03-31T17:01:06.937

5Don't start Firefox, and then say you did. It will be fully transparent, and you'll see everything behind it. – Zano – 2011-05-23T14:20:06.017

3Why would you want to do that? – Tamara Wijsman – 2011-05-23T22:18:22.340

Don't you mean translucent? – Mateen Ulhaq – 2011-05-25T00:51:02.690



Afloat is what you're looking for. This app has many different features for window management. The included user guide has all of the features. Including:

Transparency lets you see through a window.

menu:             keyboard:        mouse:           macbooks:
Window >          ⌃⌘ + page up     ⌃⌘ + scroll up   ⌃⌘ + scroll up
Transparency      or pagedown      or down with     or down with
                                   the wheel.       two fingers.


Posted 2011-03-31T16:03:40.153

Reputation: 2 758


You might be looking for SetAlphaValue or WindowShade X.

SetAlphaValue especially seems to have an option for "AlpahValue for windows with title", with which you might be able to render Firefox transparent just for the home page.

(Sorry, don't have a Mac to try this on)


Posted 2011-03-31T16:03:40.153

Reputation: 306 093


If you're using Windows you can make applications transparent with Pitaschio. It's more of an on-the-fly setting, so you would just make the windows transparent when needed. Here's a Firefox tutorial I found on google:


Posted 2011-03-31T16:03:40.153

Reputation: 217

No, they’re on Mac (as stated in the question). – Synetech – 2011-05-25T00:40:04.840

yes, for mac, although the idea seems exactly what i need – Open the way – 2011-05-26T07:37:11.860

He added the OS later. Thanks for the downvotes though. – jtmcn – 2011-05-26T22:26:32.493