Disable or lock zoom in Notepad++



Is it possible to disable or lock the zoom feature in Notepad++?

I'm doing a lot of copying and pasting, and the zoom level keeps changing on me. It's driving me nuts!

Jim Fell

Posted 2009-08-17T21:07:52.820

Reputation: 5 069

1Should be migrated to Superuser – rightfold – 2009-08-17T21:09:13.737



The zooming is happening (I think) because I have a cheap Microsoft mouse, and the scroll wheel sometimes doesn't roll all the way to the next tick when I stop scrolling. Then, later, when I'm using Ctrl + C/Ctrl + V to copy and paste the wheel snaps into place, thus causing what appears to be a spontaneous zoom.

Unfortunately, because this problem is occurring on my PC at work, I don't have the option of replacing the mouse, which would be my normal solution. So, what I would like to do, if possible, is disable or lock the zoom feature on Notepad++.

Jim Fell

Posted 2009-08-17T21:07:52.820

Reputation: 5 069

1I ended up getting a better mouse. – Jim Fell – 2010-08-11T20:07:18.250

1IMHO, You shouldn't accept your own answer with so many answers that really do answer the question you asked – Shereef Marzouk – 2018-01-22T14:05:50.643

Some computer mice have a mode that either makes the wheel freewheeling or "clicking" (like in cmroanirgo's answer).

– Peter Mortensen – 2018-07-17T18:06:39.937


Previously, I "Seriously ... cannot imagine a scenario where you're accidentally zooming." The hot keys involve Control-Mousewheel, or Control-Keypad-plus-or-minus. (If you'll excuse the description). These aren't near or similar to Control-C and Control-V. So you must be holding the control key while meaning to scroll in the document.

It was just pointed out to me that the trackpad might also be an issue (Jim himself said it was his mouse and he changed his mouse for resolving this). If it's the trackpad then you'd have to try to find a palm rejection sensitivity setting to tweak, which might not be available, or try remapping the zoom shortcuts, or try the plugin from Stan which disables zooming (I like that option a lot).

Anyway, it's been a while since I used it, but I'm told you can edit the shortcuts in the settings > shortcut mapper.


Posted 2009-08-17T21:07:52.820

Reputation: 9 293

@dlamblin I am accidentally resizing notepad++ all the time when coding on my laptop with a mouse pad. If I am using Ctrl with other keys and my palm swipes the scrolling edge of my mouse pad, the program gets zoomed beyond recognition. It is all too easy to do; very frustrating. – mickmackusa – 2015-11-06T00:52:01.030

@mickmackusa It's been a very long time since I wrote this, but yeah, I could see the trackpad triggering a scroll while holding a modifier key. I mean there's all kinds of trackpads out there and some are better at palm rejection than others. Also I wouldn't disable trackpad scrolling as you'd likely use it often, so, if this can be remapped... I guess that would be one way. – dlamblin – 2015-11-13T20:33:13.930

No, you can edit NPP shortcuts now, going to Settings > Shortcut mapper. – igorsantos07 – 2009-08-20T02:38:07.080

@Igoru thanks, I've edited the answer to reflect this. – dlamblin – 2009-08-20T08:39:19.173

1dlamblin, it happens when you Ctrl+C and then start scrolling a split second before you let go of Ctrl. Happens to me from time to time -- it just depends on the user. – Nick Bolton – 2012-06-09T23:52:30.530

@nbolton Yes, I get that. For me that's like when you get a new keyboard and the shift key is smaller or the home key moved. It's very annoying for a while. Then you adjust. But you can see Jim Fell's problem was the notches on his scrollwheel. – dlamblin – 2012-06-20T17:57:41.483

@dlamblin Sure thing, you clearly know best. – Nick Bolton – 2012-06-20T19:01:55.250

2Some mouse wheels are a bit finicky and can scroll when you aren't touching the wheel (eg. you stopped turning just before the next skip, and a minute later it is jostled passed it). If you're hold control at the time, you zoom. This happens to me all the time. – Craig Gidney – 2010-01-13T18:02:18.233

@Strilanc I never encountered this but it sounds aggravating. Consider buying another mouse. I'm happy with my http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/428/3287&hub=1&cl=us,en

– dlamblin – 2010-01-16T22:19:13.260


To disable mouse zooming, I wrote a small plugin for Notepad++ which does it.

Also, there is a 64-bit version of the plugin.


Posted 2009-08-17T21:07:52.820

Reputation: 153

2Thanks, that helped somewhat (better than answers to the effect of "buy a new mouse", at least). What I really want, though, is a way to remap the hotkeys - they aren't in the Shortcut Mapping menu, and I don't have a numeric keypad on my computer. – Enno – 2015-03-19T13:38:34.877

@BibaswannBandyopadhyay I'm glad that it helped you. :-) – StanE – 2015-05-15T23:13:50.183


I don't have that issue. The only way it zooms is if you use CTRL-MouseWheel, or by CTRL-KP+ or CTRL-KP-. Most likely, you are trying to scroll the document when you still have CTRL held down (or active via StickyKeys.)

Best recommendation is to use CTRL-KP/ to reset the zoom.

Raymond Martineau

Posted 2009-08-17T21:07:52.820

Reputation: 294


I have a logitech mouse and love it. It has a mousewheel that doesn't 'click' as you scroll, but operates more like a flywheel... So, when I scroll somewhere and then start using the keyboard (for example, Ctrl + C), suddenly I've zoomed. Most annoying ;)

Changing shortcuts isn't the issue here. It's the way we use an editor and it's not really the mouse's problem.

PS: I can do a 'hard' center click on my mouse and it changes it from 'flywheel mode' to 'click mode' and back. It is the only workaround I have...and Notepad++ is the only program I need to do this with.


Posted 2009-08-17T21:07:52.820

Reputation: 11