Using Paint or Gimp WHERE is the UNSELECT?



Why with paint and gimp both do I see all these drawing, selecting options and no clear unselect?

Is there a way to unselect any of the drawing or selecting methods then I can go and reselect what i did earlier without drawing another circle when I mean to select it. ?


Posted 2011-03-20T06:35:58.667

Reputation: 279

1Should this be split into two separate questions? One about Paint and one about Gimp? – Stevoisiak – 2017-07-18T19:43:58.667

This truly is the # 1 problem I have using these tools. I simply cannot see how to have several elements like a like a circle. The go back to what I selected before and resize it for example. I feel like I always have to draw a new line a new circle. I cannot get back to anything I did. – TestOrFail – 2011-03-20T06:39:26.650



Under the 'Select' dropdown menu on the top of the page click 'None'. Or Shift Ctrl A is the shortcut. This is just to deselect without another action.

Ele Munjeli

Posted 2011-03-20T06:35:58.667

Reputation: 796

1None is disabled for default selection. – mrbengi – 2018-05-05T07:50:39.540

The option "None" is disabled for me too, and Shift Ctrl A don't work. – Leonardo Castro – 2019-05-13T00:05:19.700

you can also right-click anywhere on your canvas to bring up the same options available on the menu bar. Just a little tip – Lee Harrison – 2013-05-31T18:28:17.977


In the case of Photoshop, deselect can be toggled by pressing Crtl + D on Windows and CMD + D on Mac. In the case of Gimp, I normally switch to Move tool to use as a cursor (M) - it works in the same way as PS pointer. Also if you want to deselect an area that you have chosen, ctrl+alt+A would work.

Reuben L.

Posted 2011-03-20T06:35:58.667

Reputation: 942

1Please explain in more detail: In the case of Gimp, I normally switch to a Move tool to use as a cursor(M). I have gimp up right now looking for Move tool and how to switch to it. Where is this option? – TestOrFail – 2011-03-20T07:01:02.217

Just use the hotkey M and you will select the Move tool. Its not really a true deselect but it acts like the pointer in PS - i.e. allows you to drag and move layers. I don't think there is a true "deselect" in PS either, in the case of PS, when you deselect you are just switching to the pointer tool that behaves like a normal cursor. – Reuben L. – 2011-03-20T07:30:49.583

Tools → Transform Tools → Move – kazi Tanvir Ahsan – 2014-04-21T02:24:32.263