Simple Computer Aided Design



I need to create a design mockup something very similar to this: example iamge

However, I don't have weeks to learn AutoCAD or 3dsmax or Sketchup (time consuming). Is there any easier solution? I've heard that Adobe Fireworks can be used for these type of design mockups?

Amandeep Grewal

Posted 2011-03-19T18:50:49.580

Reputation: 123

Question was closed 2012-12-30T19:54:46.560

I doubt you'll find anything easier than Sketchup. That's quite a complex scene. – ChrisF – 2011-03-19T18:52:35.627

Does it need to be actual 3D, viewable from multiple angles? Or just a single angle? I've dabbled in 3D and I honestly had the easiest time learning POV-ray, which renders based on a text file (example: box { <0,0,0>,<5,5,5> texture {T_Wood1}}... 5 unit wooden cube). It works if you have a certain kind of mindset that's suited for programming and text-based stuff. If you've ever worked in CSS, or played with rainmeter, or written javascript, you can learn 3D this way. – CreeDorofl – 2011-03-19T19:27:10.007

Yes! That was nice and simple (well, I'm quite used to C, Java, programming so it was easy to learn. Thank you! Too bad I can't choose a comment as the right answer. – Amandeep Grewal – 2011-03-20T02:24:29.093



3DVIA also has something, but I don't know if it is any less time consuming than Sketchup.

Mr Alpha

Posted 2011-03-19T18:50:49.580

Reputation: 6 391