What are Dashworlds.com domain names


I have just seen Dash Worlds Domain Names and I was wondering how do they work. They claim that you can register a free domain like example-com (not example.com) and then you download a plugin that you can display all dash-com domain names. How is this possible? Can anybody on the internet access these sites, or only if they have the plugin installed?


Posted 2011-03-12T05:38:06.327

Reputation: 658

See this question and this Wikipedia entry on Alternate DNS Root.

– Lèse majesté – 2012-05-24T16:59:03.627



This service looks highly questionable. I don't know the internals of how it's working, as they don't entirely reveal it, and use a lot of buzzwords like "Private Networking Technology", but here is my best understanding:

  • You "register" a domain like superuser-com with them
  • They add superuser-com to a database, but do not actually register any real DNS domain
  • When you install their plugin, it looks at the domain you enter. If it is in their database of "dash" domains, then they return the IP address that corresponds with it. So, if you type in superuser-com, the plugin would look in their database, then send the browser to the Super User website, but it would appear that you were going to superuser-com.

There are numerous downsides to this. First of all, if you do not have their browser plugin, you cannot visit the site. This cuts off 99.9999999999% of the internet. Their sites also do not currently show up in Google searches, and when they do, it will probably be through sketchy means:

Will my domain name appear on Google?

We are currently setting up a system for spidering these sites on Google. Users will be advised when the system is ready by a newsletter.

Keep your e-mail of registrations always working to receive the DASHWORLDS newsletter.

As a website creator, you would be foolish to use this service. Forcing visitors to install sketchy browser plugins, using a service which does not use standard DNS to resolve sites, and their completely unclear pricing policies are all reasons that I would be wary at the least. While the product likely does what they claim, you would be much, much better just registering your own regular domain with a reputable registrar.


Posted 2011-03-12T05:38:06.327

Reputation: 35 057

1+1 much better, clearer answer than mine, deleting mine – Sathyajith Bhat – 2011-03-12T05:58:38.713

Thanks @Sathya. Feel free to edit my answer to include any additional info you think might be relevant. – nhinkle – 2011-03-12T06:01:50.550