echo newline character not working in bash



I have bash script which has lots of echo statements and also I aliased echo to echo -e both in .bash_profile and .bashrc, so that new lines are printed properly for a statement like echo 'Hello\nWorld' the output should be


but the output I am getting is


I even tried using shopt -s expand_aliases in the script, it doesn't help

I am running my script as bash /scripts/; if I run it as . /scripts/ I am getting the desired output...


Posted 2011-03-11T20:56:53.790

Reputation: 145

3aliasing echo like you want is a bad practice IMHO – shellholic – 2011-03-11T21:02:49.603

1Use double quotes to that the \n gets interpreted. Single quotes prevent the interpretation of the \n and a bunch of other things. – BillThor – 2011-03-12T01:13:28.980



The mixed history of echo means its default operation varies from shell to shell. POSIX specifies that the result of echo is “implementation-defined” if the first argument is -n or any argument contains a backslash.

It is more reliable to use printf (either as a built-in command or an external command) where the behavior is more well defined: the C-style backslash escapes and format specifiers are supported in the format string (the first argument).

printf 'foo\nbar\n'
printf '%s\n%s\n' foo bar

You can control the expansion of backslash escape sequences of bash’s echo built-in command with the xpg_echo shell option.

Set it at the top of any bash script to make echo automatically expand backslash escapes without having to add -e to every echo command.

shopt -s xpg_echo
echo 'foo\nbar'

Chris Johnsen

Posted 2011-03-11T20:56:53.790

Reputation: 31 786

shopt -s xpg_echo; Worked for me. – Bashuser – 2011-03-14T13:21:51.380


When you use bash, Bash is ran in "batch" mode, on a separate process, and does not read its profile or rcfile.

When you use ., the file is sourced by the current shell process (as if its contents were typed by you), therefore it sees your currently defined aliases.

In general, it is a Very Bad Idea to write scripts that depend on any particular shell configuration, especially aliases, unless you define them in the script itself. (Never rely on user's .bashrc, even if it's your own.)


Posted 2011-03-11T20:56:53.790

Reputation: 283 655


The recommended practice is to use printf for all new scripts.

printf '%s\n%s\n' "Hello" "World"

printf '%s\n' "Hello\nWorld"

Paused until further notice.

Posted 2011-03-11T20:56:53.790

Reputation: 86 075

+1 printf is a little more complicated to use than echo, but it more than pays off in avoiding echo's inconsistencies. – Gordon Davisson – 2011-03-11T22:23:37.053


This works fine in terminal

alias echo="echo -e"
echo "Hello\nWorld"

save to a file and make it exeutable (chmod +x) it

run as ./your_file


Posted 2011-03-11T20:56:53.790

Reputation: 361

run it as bash your_file and check the output. – Bashuser – 2011-03-11T21:06:56.043

Works as expected – LaLeX – 2011-03-11T21:08:42.517

but echo "Hello\nWorld" is not showing the expected output. As echo is already aliased to echo -e it should but that is not working and thats my question – Bashuser – 2011-03-11T21:20:02.757

Since it's bad practice to alias echo (programs that depend on it may break) you should remove the alias and in your script search for echo end replace it by echo -e – LaLeX – 2011-03-11T21:25:46.997

Thanks a lot LaLex for your answers, is there a way that I can achieve the expected result with the alias though it is not a good practice – Bashuser – 2011-03-11T21:36:35.003

Also if you don't want to search and replace each instance of echo in your script put alias echo="echo -e" at the top of your script and run it as ". your_file" instead of "./your_file" – LaLeX – 2011-03-11T21:36:47.703