How to mount NFS export on Mac OS X?



I have FreeBSD (test.local) box configured as NFS server. And I'm trying to mount its NFS sharing form my mac (hhmm.local)

/nfs     hhmm.local

/nfs has 777 permission.

And I checked from mac that it's working,

hhmm:~ Eonil$ showmount -e test.local
Exports list on test.local:
/nfs                           test.local
hhmm:~ Eonil$ 

But when I try to mount it,

hhmm:~ Eonil$ mount_nfs test.local:/nfs ~/nfs
mount_nfs: can't access /nfs: Permission denied
hhmm:~ Eonil$ 

Wow. I cannot figure out why this doesn't work. What should I do?


Posted 2011-03-07T13:48:42.190

Reputation: 4 206

I was seeing permission denied on the AWS storage gateway NFS file share, issue was that my IP was outside the the allowed share access client CIDR range – storm_m2138 – 2019-02-22T18:00:30.520



I had the same issue with mount_nfs: can't access /: Permission denied on OS X 10.6.8 and even with the resvport option it still failed however modifying the nfs server export mount to use the insecure option worked.


Posted 2011-03-07T13:48:42.190

Reputation: 1 600


Assume that host running NFS has shared path-


On your mac, Try:

$ sudo mount -o resvport,rw  -t nfs folder_207

Verify that contents are visible:

$ ls -ltr folder_207

Mohammad Shahid Siddiqui

Posted 2011-03-07T13:48:42.190

Reputation: 271


I solved this problem with this blog post:

Core solution was giving an option resvport on mounting option. NFS volume mounted magically!


Posted 2011-03-07T13:48:42.190

Reputation: 4 206

Was having this same issue; the resvport option works fine if you only plan on mounting via the CLI. If you want to mount via Mac OS X's finder, you need to add the insecure option on the server side, as @Cas mentions. There is no way to specify resvport via finder, and the ability to mount and use advanced options has been removed from "Disk Utility", so it seems as the server side fix is the only viable solution for GUI connecting. – Will – 2015-06-22T19:35:30.500


my problem solved, NFS to mac High Sierra 10.13 Change on server NFS /etc/exports, put your client IP. Ex: ip server: client ip: on server, sudo vi, /export/www,insecure,root_squash,no_subtree_check,async)


Posted 2011-03-07T13:48:42.190

Reputation: 1

As long as the server can resolve the client’s hostname (i.e., ping hhmm.local works),  there’s no reason for this to make a difference. – Scott – 2019-02-27T05:54:23.907