use password in win rar to protect file is secure or not


I use winrar to protect a file from others reading it. I set a password on the archive and use a 5-digit password. Is this secure or not?

When I want to read it, I extract the archive,read it and then delete the archive normally. It is a text file. How can I make sure that the text file that I unrar can not cannot be made readable again using some program.


Posted 2011-03-04T05:19:06.347


5 decimal digits is much too short. – CodesInChaos – 2011-03-04T13:34:02.377



I would make three comments:

1) A 5 digit password isn't nearly long enough to prevent brute-forcing of the password for decryption. If you chose a significantly complex pass phrase Winrar's encryption is quite secure. Personally however I would recommend TrueCrypt.

2) Unless you are doing a secure erase the file would be easily recoverable for some time after you delete it.

3) The question was a little bit difficult to follow due to poor grammar.

Silence Dogood

Posted 2011-03-04T05:19:06.347

Reputation: 121


I think there are evaral application which can crack rar or zip files easyly by brute foce method or using dictionaries. ex:-

Jayantha Lal Sirisena

Posted 2011-03-04T05:19:06.347

Reputation: 123


Password protection of archives is usually not very strong (I know of pwds in zip and rar is probaly not very much different).

Also 'normal delete' is unsave. It can often be reverted with undelete.

Suggest encrypt with pgp and some kind of secure delete.


Posted 2011-03-04T05:19:06.347

Reputation: 101

Rar is much slower to brute-force than zip. And I'm not aware of any better attacks than just trying passwords using dictionaries or brute-force. – CodesInChaos – 2011-03-04T13:33:22.393


It would be easy for brute-force password crackers if you will be telling that my password is 5 digits long. But without knowing length it would be little hard to crack. You can increase number of permutation by adding special characters, and normal characters both capital and small letters.

anshu kumar

Posted 2011-03-04T05:19:06.347

Reputation: 101


With the latest version it is now using 128bit and with a decent password this is safe.

Zenon Van Deventer

Posted 2011-03-04T05:19:06.347

Reputation: 1


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– Pimp Juice IT – 2017-08-12T15:54:33.160