What is the tolerated performance difference between HDDs?


I got a server with software RAID1 and two identical HDDs. Using hdparm -tT I get sligthly different results, one gives me 100Mb/s and the other one 97Mb/s. Is this difference tolerable in this configuration?

Calin Don

Posted 2011-03-02T17:47:35.663

Reputation: 125



There are so many factors that can affect drive performance, that variability with results from testing is imminent. A 3Mb/s difference between the results is hardly worth worrying about. Just as proof, for the SU blog I'm conducted HDD tests and here are some results:

enter image description here

enter image description here

as you can tell, there are differences in speeds, using the same program and same drive, with no other applications running.

James Mertz

Posted 2011-03-02T17:47:35.663

Reputation: 24 787