Fix a broken apache2 install on Debian Squeeze


I accidentally broke my apache2 install, and was wondering if I could completely remove apache2 and everything related to it, and then completely reinstall it starting from scratch?


Posted 2011-03-01T04:33:25.587

Reputation: 19

Yes, we need actual details. /var/log/apache2/ should have some such logs. /var/log/syslog too. – James T Snell – 2016-07-07T03:18:06.593

2If you have error messages, please add them to your question. – mveroone – 2014-04-22T07:31:40.043



Have you tried dpkg --purge PACKAGENAME? This should remove the package with all it's config files.


Posted 2011-03-01T04:33:25.587

Reputation: 1 361

Sorry I will make my install setup clearer. I have a dedicated box running debian squeeze with webmin for administration. It was working but now it throws errors when I want to start apache. Odd things about errors in apache2.conf. I got it to reinstall (I think) but it didn't make an apache2.conf so webmin now complains bitterly.

P.S. I think I may just reinstall debian again and follow the tutorial at this weekend when I have time. P.P.S. Is there a way to remotely install debian with out massive terminal hacking?

– ellisgeek – 2011-03-01T15:21:28.247


Maybe you could post the error messages on or even better update your question? Normally dpkg --purge and afterwards dpkg --install should reset the package to its basic state. Maybe if only the configuration is broken try dpkg --configureto try and fix the configuration.

– Darokthar – 2011-03-01T15:51:41.587