Mount Google Storage on OS X


Can anyone suggest a way to mount Google Storage on OS X?

I have found software Interarchy, which theoretically does allow to do that. But in practice this feature is not yet supported.


Posted 2011-02-28T14:44:45.460

Reputation: 381

Too bad, though Google Docs File System (gdocsfs) (if related at all) is available for FUSE, I cannot (yet) find something similar for MacFUSE.

– Arjan – 2011-02-28T16:15:32.393

Yesterday I have found this thing called Google-storage-fs but I have no idea if that is what I am looking or how to use it since there is no documentation and it is Python.

– Gajus – 2011-02-28T16:18:08.070

Nice, @Guy. See its README. But when peeking into the code, it seems to rely on FUSE too.

– Arjan – 2011-02-28T16:20:15.837

I did look at the read me, doc. However, I have no idea how to follow it. That is, I have downloaded macfuse, installed it. Then I have downloaded the latter script, extracted, used Terminal to cd directory where the script is located and tried writing -f gsfs.ini /mnt/GoogleStorage which did result in error of undefined script, command or something like that. – Gajus – 2011-02-28T16:28:50.887

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