How to do rsync-like encrypted backup?



I want to save a backup of my data on a remote server, but never want the backup server to see the data unencrypted. Editing a single file and backing up should not result in everything being encrypted and sent again. The remote server should preferably not even know the directory structure (and especially not the directory names).

Is there such a solution?


Posted 2011-02-27T23:11:23.910


Check out this EncFS solution over at serverfault:

– Mark K Cowan – 2015-02-03T08:53:16.057



The best thing around is Duplicity. The only drawback is that it does not handle hardlinks.

Another solution is Tartarus, which can be piped through GPG and FTP/SSH directly to a backup server. It does incrementals.

Here are Tartarus instructions, in German.


Posted 2011-02-27T23:11:23.910

Reputation: 266

2019 here. tartarus did not age well. duplicity has matured, but development still looks like it was hosted on geocities site – jnovack – 2019-10-09T21:43:46.597

(2013 edit) Found it on github : ; it's GPLv3 ; I'll check if it's still as cool today as it was in 2011 ;)

– Cerber – 2013-05-29T17:16:50.547


I think you'll like rsyncrypto.

Use rsyncrypto to encrypt files from your plaintext directory to your encrypted directory, and decrypt files from your encrypted directory and your plaintext directory, using keys that you keep locally.

Use rsync to synchronize between your encrypted directory and the remote host.

The rsyncrypto implementation you can download now from Sourceforge not only handles changes in bytes, but also insertions and deletions.

With rsyncrypto, all encryption keys never leave the local computer.

"The remote server should preferably not even know the directory structure"

In that case, you'll want to use the --name-encrypt=map option. That makes each encrypted file name is a random string of characters, and by default all mangled file names are stored in a single directory. The true file names and folder names are stored in the (encrypted) file named "filemap".

Related: "Is there an encrypted version control system?"

David Cary

Posted 2011-02-27T23:11:23.910

Reputation: 773


You can use encfs in "inverse" mode. This gives you an encrypted "view" of a local folder. Then you rsync this encrypted view instead of the unenctrypted data. This gives you all advantages of rsync without the need to have an encrypted copy of you data.

Michael Wyraz

Posted 2011-02-27T23:11:23.910

Reputation: 231


In recent years, Rclone has been developed. Its motto is "rsync for cloud storage" but beyond things like S3/Azure/Google/etc. cloud storage providers, it also supports syncing between local and SSH/SFTP targets.

Any "remote" you configure, you can also add a crypt wrapper around it. This acts as the original remote, but the contents of all your files (and optionally the file names themselves) get encrypted on the client side. The algorithm is documented, and its been a generally seamless process in my experience so far.


Posted 2011-02-27T23:11:23.910

Reputation: 531


tarsnap does that, but you don't control the remote server, this end being only available as a (paid) service. It does however answer your requirements.

Bruno Rohée

Posted 2011-02-27T23:11:23.910

Reputation: 101


You can try if you are searching for an encrypted rsync-like backup alternative to Google Drive.


Posted 2011-02-27T23:11:23.910

Reputation: 1