Firefox 4 Beta 12 -- Move Link URLs back to Address Bar?



The latest beta of Firefox seems to have moved the link URL display from the address bar to a small box in the bottom left. I was happy with them in the address bar, so is there a way to move them back?


Posted 2011-02-27T20:06:19.247

Reputation: 5 415

1This is a new feature that many people requested. Also, I think you mean beta 12? – None – 2011-02-27T22:51:28.580

@Randolph: I certainly didn't request it ;) and yes, i mean beta 12. – RCIX – 2011-02-27T22:56:47.600

2Reading the forums, I think you're in the minority. A lot of people are happy it has moved, and no clear evidence of a way to move it back. – None – 2011-02-27T23:03:39.357

1I loved that they moved it to the location bar, it makes so much sense. Like: "you are here > here's where you're going"

Of course, it was odd at first, and it took me a few weeks to get used to it, but now that it's second nature to be, they go and change it to Chrome's ham-fisted "overlay" solution. Ugh! There's all this white space in the location bar begging to be used, yet they decide to overlay it on top of page content?!? – None – 2011-02-27T23:46:57.510



Try the Link Location Bar Addon to add it back. enter image description here


Posted 2011-02-27T20:06:19.247

Reputation: 96