How to encrypt a file or directory in Linux?



What's the most popular command to do such things as encrypting a file or directory in terminal in Linux?


Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510




I think it would be gpg. The syntax for files and directories differs though.


For files(outputs filename.gpg):

gpg -c filename

For dirs:

gpg-zip -c -o file.gpg dirname


For files(outputs filename.gpg):

gpg filename.gpg

For dirs:

gpg-zip -d file.gpg

Edit: Corrected as @Mk12 pointed out the mistake of compression/decompression for encryption/decryption.


Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510

Reputation: 826

1Nobody has said how to encrypt a directory. – chovy – 2014-10-18T08:50:40.620

1@chovy Not that above it says:

For dirs:

gpg-zip -c -o file.gpg dirname – celebdor – 2014-10-20T10:33:24.113

@celebdor missed that one. thanks. edit: that doesn't work for me. I get some weird encrypted output when I decrypt the file. – chovy – 2014-10-24T15:29:26.913

@chovy: Sorry to hear that. I can confirm that encrypting and decrypting directories as shown above worked for me, using gpg-zip (GnuPG) 1.4.16 under Mint 17. – Michael Scheper – 2016-06-12T09:13:16.463

Shouldn't that be "Encryption" and "Decryption"? – mk12 – 2012-07-27T18:41:58.590


  • with openssl

openssl des3 -salt -in unencrypted-data.tar -out encrypted-data.tar.des3


openssl des3 -d -salt -in encrypted-data.tar.des3 -out unencrypted-data.tar

  • encrypt with AES

aescrypt -e -p password file.jpg


aescrypt -d -p password file.jpg.aes


Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510

Reputation: 2 675

Indeed, but 3DES is considered insecure and should not be used, AES (aescrypt) is a much better option, see:

– jmng – 2018-07-24T10:01:36.133

1+1 for showing how to do it with openssl, which is most likely available out-of-the-box. – DevSolar – 2012-08-22T15:39:48.927


Try GnuPG.

To encrypt: gpg -c filename

To decrypt: gpg filename.gpg


Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510

Reputation: 182 472


I personally use aescrypt mostly.

      aescrypt -e "File" 

and decrypt:

      aescrypt -d "File"

Or there's mcrypt:

      mcrypt "File" 

and decrypt:

      mcrypt -d "File"

And for a directory , I suggest tar'ing the dir, and encrypting that. Then after unencrypting, just untar the file:

      tar -cf "Dir.tar" Dir/

and to untar

      tar -xf "Dir.tar"


Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510

Reputation: 627


This is my method using openssl and tar

Open Encrypted Directory:

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in ~/vault.tar.gz.dat | tar xz; thunar ~/vault

Lock Encrypted Directory:

tar cz vault/ | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -out ~/vault.tar.gz.dat; rm -r ~/vault


Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510

Reputation: 313

1rm -r does not delete data; it merely unlinks it. You'll need to use something like srm to erase the data from the disk. – jbindel – 2016-05-19T02:51:51.087


If highest level of security is not a big problem ( the man page of zip says, that the encryption algorithm used by zipfile utilities are weaker than PGP), then I prefer zip and unzip. It zips my directories and encrypts at the same time. I prefer zip because you can have a kind of incremental zip and encrypt instead of zipping and encrypting the whole thing again. Especially it is useful when the directory sizes are very large.

ZIP and encrypt

zip file
zip -r directory
zip --encrypt file # prompt for password
zip --encrypt -r directory # prompt for password

Unzip and decrypt

unzip #Beware if any directory is present with the same name as the zipped file, then it would be overwritten. Hence I normally send the contents to another directory.

unzip -d directory-new # prompts for password


Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510

Reputation: 243


May not be popular but I've been working on a project to encrypt/decrypt anything with minimal user interaction through the use of a few Bash scripts. Here's a link to the Hak5 post that explains setup for testing.

Cutting through the source code logics though here's what happens for each type of data that can be handled by the above linked project

_gnupg_encrypt_opts="--always-trust --armor --batch --encrypt --recipient user@host.domain"
## If file make encrypted time stamped file with similar name
_path_to_output="${_bulk_output_dir}/$(date -u +%s)_${_path_to_file##*/}.gpg"
cat "${_path_to_file}" | gpg ${gpg _gnupg_encrypt_opts} > "${_path_to_output}"
## else if directory make compressed encrypted time stamped output file
_path_to_output="${_bulk_output_dir}/$(date -u +%s)_dir.tgz.gpg
tar -cz - "${_path_to_dir}" | gpg ${gpg _gnupg_encrypt_opts} > "${_path_to_output}"
## else if something else append encrypted output to file
cat <<<"${_mapped_input}" | gpg ${gpg _gnupg_encrypt_opts} >> "${_path_to_output}"

The ${_mapped_input} variable is set by reading a mkfifo named pipe file and setting anything read to an array with mapfile -t _lines < "${_file_to_map}" which is later expanded and saved to a ${_mapped_input}... a bit convoluted but it allows for experimental features to act on individual lines. End results are you end up with a directory for holding encrypted files or compressed directories and a file with various packets of encrypted data.

Decryption for files or compressed directories is simple enough on a device with a private key related to the public key used for encryption. But decryption of multiple armor encrypted data packets was a bit tougher, so there a script named in the above project written to do it all with minimal user interaction. Below is a simplified version of the helper scripts source code for normal encrypted files and directories.

_gnupg_decrypt_opts="--quiet --no-tty --always-trust --passphrase-fd 9 --decrypt"
# if file
exec 9<"${_pass[@]}"
cat "${_path_to_file}" | gpg ${_gnupg_decrypt_opts} > "${_decryption_output_dir}/${_output_name}"
# else if compressed file
mkdir -p "${_decryption_output_dir}/${_output_name}"
cd "${_decryption_output_dir}/${_output_name}"
cat "${_path_to_file}" | gpg ${_gnupg_decrypt_opts} | tar -xzf -
cd "${_old_pwd}"
# else if non-compressed directory
mkdir -p "${_decryption_output_dir}/${_output_name}"
cd "${_decryption_output_dir}/${_output_name}"
cat "${_path_to_file}" | gpg ${_gnupg_decrypt_opts} | tar -xf -
cd "${_old_pwd}"

If you wish to see what other features are working and tested in a publicly verifiable way, then check out the Travis-CI build logs (especially near the end of the logs) you'll find there's some other fancy things being worked on in relation to encryption and decryption of nearly any data.


Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510

Reputation: 123


Use FinalCrypt - Unbreakable One-Time Pad OpenSource File / Directory Encryption (GUI & CLI)

It creates One-Time Pad keys by itself

java -cp FinalCrypt.jar rdj/CLUI --encrypt --password-prompt -k My-Key-Directory/ -t My-Test-Directory/


Started encrypting 4 files totally 249,7 MiB

"/home/ron/My-Test-Directory/Video/Eerebegraafplaats.mp4.bit" ✔ ✔ ✔ ℄✔ ✔ SHA-256: "C1E3F3A3545FEA026F3FB344F3D0798B54820B7F9AD9AAC4BE9FD1E955F947DA"->"D53FCEADDF542AC3655B547778911F786C2C2BDD327E0618A9E7F77B57792DEA" 58,4% "/home/ron/My-Test-Directory/Video/castle-waxjo-sweden.mp4.bit" ✔ ✔ ✔ ℄✔ ✔ SHA-256: "8AEFC9744143451F32B82BBAC6A4291BC76C747A6DA1EA024702AA51A966F810"->"323618B7ED12A1F92D8FFB306CEEC6DFFED6862B7BF3922902E8AED29DF57ECE" 91,2% "/home/ron/My-Test-Directory/Brother_HL-2170W-usaeng_quick-setup.pdf.bit" ✔ ✔ ✔ ℄✔ ✔ SHA-256: "0858D2D5A8CF118D40B517CD4A1F8D31D9F5A21221F75BD764B5E363FC1431FE"->"266CE42027F891DECF109D7A9DD69E8B42C0E43D35E952BEB89F7C7EA2DBE92C" 95,7% "/home/ron/My-Test-Directory/Brother dsmobile 700d_uke_usr.pdf.bit" ✔ ✔ ✔ ℄✔ ✔ SHA-256: "8D718D2F29EF05BEB347D6920B3BFF5269685421B428E8D3ADFF569F67A716E0"->"88A98D893B6D1E540039D3E9BC0B0C19B46A10A209967F3235D5DEEBF073EC1E" 100,0%

Finished encrypting [4 / 4] files totally [249,7 MiB / 249,7 MiB] in 7,3 seconds (average: 34,2 MiB/s)

java -cp FinalCrypt.jar rdj/CLUI --decrypt --password-prompt -k My-Key-Directory/ -t My-Test-Directory/


Started decrypting 4 files totally 124,9 MiB

"/home/ron/My-Test-Directory/Video/castle-waxjo-sweden.mp4" ✔ ✔ ℄✔ ✔ SHA-256: "323618B7ED12A1F92D8FFB306CEEC6DFFED6862B7BF3922902E8AED29DF57ECE"->"8AEFC9744143451F32B82BBAC6A4291BC76C747A6DA1EA024702AA51A966F810" 32,8% "/home/ron/My-Test-Directory/Video/Eerebegraafplaats.mp4" ✔ ✔ ℄✔ ✔ SHA-256: "D53FCEADDF542AC3655B547778911F786C2C2BDD327E0618A9E7F77B57792DEA"->"C1E3F3A3545FEA026F3FB344F3D0798B54820B7F9AD9AAC4BE9FD1E955F947DA" 91,2% "/home/ron/My-Test-Directory/Brother dsmobile 700d_uke_usr.pdf" ✔ ✔ ℄✔ ✔ SHA-256: "88A98D893B6D1E540039D3E9BC0B0C19B46A10A209967F3235D5DEEBF073EC1E"->"8D718D2F29EF05BEB347D6920B3BFF5269685421B428E8D3ADFF569F67A716E0" 95,5% "/home/ron/My-Test-Directory/Brother_HL-2170W-usaeng_quick-setup.pdf" ✔ ✔ ℄✔ ✔ SHA-256: "266CE42027F891DECF109D7A9DD69E8B42C0E43D35E952BEB89F7C7EA2DBE92C"->"0858D2D5A8CF118D40B517CD4A1F8D31D9F5A21221F75BD764B5E363FC1431FE" 100,0%

Finished decrypting [4 / 4] files totally [124,9 MiB / 124,9 MiB] in 3,4 seconds (average: 36,3 MiB/s)

It also has a GUI

Just trying to help the community...

Ron de Jong

Posted 2011-02-23T18:30:20.510

Reputation: 1

See Comments on FINALCRYPT.

– Scott – 2019-07-14T07:44:31.347

FinalCrypt 5 added Auto Key and creates OTP Keys automatically so the discussion Scott is referring to is no longer relevant – Ron de Jong – 2019-07-14T10:38:28.167

I would like to see a description of how it works that’s more technical and less hand-waving. The issue is that one-time pads (1) are great for transmission of data, and lousy for storage, and (2) should be random. If FinalCrypt’s OTPs are truly random, then they must be stored, which compromises security. If they can be regenerated, then they are not random, but only pseudo-random, and so they are not proper OTPs.  … (Cont’d) – Scott – 2019-07-14T15:18:41.397

(Cont’d) …  Their page on Auto Key Management indicates that the OTPs are stored “on a detachable external (USB) drive. ”  OK, that could work.  But, if you have to attach your USB drive every time you want to decrypt your file (and given that an OTP must be at least as big as the file it encrypts), you might as well just *store your files on the removable drive* and not bother with encryption.   … (Cont’d)

– Scott – 2019-07-14T15:18:43.617

(Cont’d) …  Also, the main FinalCrypt page says “most crypto software uses broken AES …”, but claims that AES is “broken” seem to be greatly exaggerated. Related: Why is AES considered to be secure? (on Cryptography Stack Exchange).

– Scott – 2019-07-14T15:18:45.460

For a more technical description you can always read FinalCrypt's sourcecode

– Ron de Jong – 2019-07-15T22:23:11.403

Attaching a drive with unencrypted files allows spyware to bulk-read all your files as soon as you attach. This is why you should never attach all your personal files unencrypted and only temporary decrypt the files you need to open. These days USB storage is small, but large in capacity so it's just a little USB key and FinalCrypt automatically does the required key management, so no sweat on that side. Less technical, but slightly more detailed about how Auto Key works.

– Ron de Jong – 2019-07-16T08:47:00.837