Is there a way to mount an EXT4 volume image in Windows 7?



Made with ddrescue.

I'm guessing not.


Posted 2011-02-16T03:33:40.593

Reputation: 6 626 – Joe – 2017-06-02T16:57:39.767

Not that I'm aware of. – None – 2011-02-16T03:35:10.657



A possible solution, would be to use VMWare to create a virtual machine on W7. Install your favourite linux OS, then mount the image for it to access, or import as a file then mount.

You could then set up a Samba/CIFS share and access from W7.

Andy Lee Robinson

Posted 2011-02-16T03:33:40.593

Reputation: 908

Yes, this is what I did, but with VirtualBox – endolith – 2011-07-26T13:28:19.697

Excellent, glad you sorted it. – Andy Lee Robinson – 2011-07-27T00:10:56.180


Ext2read allows for read-only viewing, but not actual mounting, nor writing. (via #37512)

As far as I know there is no driver or application capable of writing to ext4 for Windows.

Andrew Marshall

Posted 2011-02-16T03:33:40.593

Reputation: 368

Oh nice! I only need to read from it anyway – endolith – 2011-02-16T12:34:40.477

Hmmm. I don't remember ever using this. Either it didn't work or I solved the problem in some other way. Should I accept an answer I've never tested? – endolith – 2011-06-28T14:07:20.697


If you only need to read from it you can use EXT$ Unpacker, which is free and opensource.


Posted 2011-02-16T03:33:40.593

Reputation: 61

That was exactly what I was looking for and is WAY better than the accepted answer. Unpack and run - that's it! No hourlong installing of Linux and creating of filesystems in a VM just to view an image ... – Michael Niemand – 2015-09-01T08:33:32.000


You can install ext2fsd which will install the drivers your Windows machine will need to recognise ext. You an then mount the image with an mounting tool such as Mount Image Pro or FTK Imager.

Michael Murphy

Posted 2011-02-16T03:33:40.593

Reputation: 109


The tool you recommend now was already recommended 5 years ago. What new value does your answer bring?

– techraf – 2016-04-05T10:08:11.213

1There is a difference. Using FTK you can view images, but you cannot mount them due to ext not being supported by Windows. I recommended using ext2fsd to allow FTK/MIP to mount the image as a drive in Windows. – Michael Murphy – 2016-04-06T06:40:42.023

1If you are referring to @Andrew Marshal's answer concerning ext2read, I never noticed it; but my answer still gives a different tool option (ext2fsd). – Michael Murphy – 2016-04-06T06:46:45.447

ext2fsd only DOES not support the use of image files. It just works on Ext4 Partitions (like \.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 <- hacking in a path to an image file might do the trick; but why ? just use another program like 'OSFMount' ) – Nadu – 2017-06-02T16:47:15.380

Once you have the drivers installed from ext2fsd, you can use a mounting tool to mount an EXT file syste. Both EXT3 and EXT4. – Michael Murphy – 2017-06-07T12:27:56.513



OSFMount allows you to mount local disk image files in Windows with a drive letter.

Works great for mount an Ext4 Image in windows and the download is just 2MB.

About the others:

OSFMount doesn't have drop'n'drag support - also the use of is not that simple to easy associate it with *.ext4 or *.img files to mount them. (it required addition parameters) So here is a cmd-script OSFMount.cmd

    @prompt -$G

    @echo OSFMount Script 1.0
    @echo ===================

    @set OSFMount_Path="%programFiles%\OSFMount\%OSFMount_Exe%"

    @set MaxDrivesCount=4
    @set MountPoint=#:

    @set options=ro

    @set g_MuteOutput= ^>nul 2^>^&1

    @Call :CheckNSet_PathToExe

    @Call :MayBe_UnMountAll

    ::if "%2" NEQ "" set MountPoint=%2
    @set File=%1
    @set cmd=%OSFMount% -a -t file -m %MountPoint% -f "%File%" -o %options%

    @if Errorlevel 1 @(
        @echo Errorlevel: %Errorlevel%
        @call :UnMountAll

::  %g_MuteOutput% 

::  @pause

@goto :eof

    @call :SetIfExist OSFMount %OSFMount_Path%
    @if not defined OSFMount @(

        @call :SetIfExist OSFMount "%~dp0%OSFMount_Exe%"
        @if not defined OSFMount @(

            @echo ERROR: %OSFMount% not found!
            @echo Please copy %~nx0 into same dir where %OSFMount_Exe% is!

@goto :eof

    @if exist "%~2" set %1="%~2"
@goto :eof

    :: GetNumberOf (EXT4) Drives
    :: Well OSFMount can also mount other types but this is some kind of compromise or now  
    @set g_CountLines= ^^^| find /c  "="
    @set g_Drives=wmic logicaldisk where FileSystem^^^="EXT4" get Name /value

    @for /f %%x in ('%g_Drives% %g_CountLines%') do @set Lines=%%x

    @echo   Currently mounted drives %Lines% \ %MaxDrivesCount%

    @if %lines% GEQ %MaxDrivesCount% @call :UnMountAll

@goto :eof

    @for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%d in (
        ) do @(
    @call :UnMount %%d

    @prompt -$G

@goto :eof


    @%OSFMount% -D -m %1 %g_MuteOutput% 
    @if not errorlevel 1 @echo %1 UnMounted!

    @goto :eof


  1. Copy/paste & save it as OSFMount.cmd (in Notepad or some nicer editor)
  2. and put it in the same dir as (Well if OSFMount is installed to "C:\program files\OSFMount" you may also put it somewhere else.)
  3. Create a link to the desktop or the quick launch bar


  • To mount a image just drag it onto OSFMount.cmd (or it's link).
  • File association is also as simple - just choose OSFMount.cmd in the "open with" dialog.

Command line example usage: OSFMount.cmd d:\android-5.1-rc1\system.img

Well the next free drive letter is automatically chosen. If you've mounted more than 4 images the script will reset and unmount the others. (Change the line with MaxDrivesCount=4 in the script if you need more or less. )

So far that script is only made and tested with ext4 images. To work with other image types like iso's, vhd you may probably modify the script.


Posted 2011-02-16T03:33:40.593

Reputation: 158


Why not? It's just an image.

You can use FTK IMAGER, download here

  • A new feature allows users to mount an image as a drive or physical device.
  • FTK Imager 3.0 now provides support for VXFS, exFAT, and Ext4 file systems.
  • Safely mount a forensic Image (AFF/DD/RAW/001/E01/S01) as a physical device or logically as a drive letter.


Posted 2011-02-16T03:33:40.593

Reputation: 593

FTK IMAGER does NOT support ext4 – Nadu – 2017-06-02T16:37:46.727


  • Most image mounters work on entire drive images, not volumes. 2. Windows doesn't understand EXT3.
  • < – endolith – 2011-02-16T04:03:02.443

    DIY and get a suprise :D – Hieu – 2011-02-16T04:17:53.990

    "Select a valid image file" – endolith – 2011-02-28T04:12:46.140