Can a PCI Graphics card, and AGP be used together?


The question pretty much says it all.

I use an old 845GBV board ( to-date reliant upon the integrated graphics processor ). All slots on the board are unused. Lately I've been thinking in terms changing it to a dual monitor so that I can use one console for documentation/help/sample code/whatever, the other one to play with code.

Assuming this board can handle a PCI GPU, can an AGP4x board coexist with a PCI GPU?


Posted 2011-02-10T14:32:23.103

Reputation: 1 714

Interesting board. -- Link updated:

– syntaxerror – 2016-01-24T02:07:27.003

To answer your question, yes a PCI and a AGP card can both work in the same box. Can't answer any details about that specific model of motherboard though. – Rob Moir – 2011-02-10T14:41:08.430

There was a motherboard which marketed this as a feature, so I'm sure it works.

– Paul Sweatte – 2013-04-16T06:41:43.700



Unless there is a system specific block on this, it should work.


Posted 2011-02-10T14:32:23.103

Reputation: 754

I don't get why you use old technology like this, but I agree with DaBear, it schould work. – Michael K – 2011-02-10T16:10:13.490

@Michael - Scrimping on pennies, I am :D – Everyone – 2011-02-11T17:05:40.623