How to convert a multi-page PDF file to PNG files, with one PNG file per page of the PDF document?



How do I convert a multi-page PDF file to PNG files, and automatically save one PNG file per page of the PDF document (for Windows 7)?

I have tried virtual printers (CutePDF, Bullzip PDF Printer) and image editing software (Irfanview, Photoshop) to convert PDF files to PNG but I can't find a way to make them save one PNG file per page of a PDF document.


Posted 2011-02-09T08:49:49.650

Reputation: 5 348

1Using Linux this is quite straightforward, with "pdf2ppm" to convert pdf to ppm and then "convert" (from imagemagick) to split ppm file to png files. – Olli – 2011-02-09T08:51:47.310

1Using Mac OS X this is quite straightforward, with Automator and the "Render PDF Pages as Images" action, which converts a multi-page PDF to separate image files. – Daniel Beck – 2011-02-09T09:06:47.757



Use Ghostscript

-sOutputFile=filename This is a general option telling Ghostscript what to name the output. It can either be a single filename 'tiger.png' or a template 'figure-%03d.jpg' where the %03d is replaced by the page number.

You may find it convenient to use GhostView, the GUI front end.


Posted 2011-02-09T08:49:49.650

Reputation: 70 632

5I experimented on a couple of options for GhostView and came to this group of options to automatically convert the PDF to PNGs without user prompts: -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -r96 -sOutputFile="C:\directory_Output\%03d.png" "C:\directory_Input\pdfname.pdf" Am I doing it right? I also would like to know what DPI I should set it to (I set it to 96 in this case) to have the same resolution as the source PDF. (The PDF files I am converting contains scanned images of a book or magazine, and does not have OCR text/information.) – galacticninja – 2011-02-11T07:21:29.947

If the source DPI is 96 and the image is likely to be mostly viewed on screen, 96 is a good choice for the output DPI, since that is the default display-DPI for MS Windows (though a few will set their display-DPI to 120). – RedGrittyBrick – 2011-02-11T09:54:08.430


Using ImageMagick (you'll need Ghostscript installed as well), the command:

convert -density 300 filename.pdf filename.png

will result in a series of files filename-0.png, filename-1.png, filename-2.png, one for each of the pages of the PDF. You'll want to play around with the density setting to get a resolution you like.

You may need to give the full path to convert.exe on Windows; I've only ever done this on Linux, but it should work for Windows too.


Posted 2011-02-09T08:49:49.650

Reputation: 9 044


If you only want one page, follow the PDF file name with the page number in square brackets: filename.pdf[0] The page number is 0-based, so 0 is first page, 1 is second page, etc.

– Abe Voelker – 2014-07-28T19:51:11.363

Just a note: ImageMagick's convert does use Ghostscript when rendering .pdfs, see

– sdaau – 2015-01-26T23:00:28.930

for this to work gs has to call the ghostscript binary (I had gs aliased to git status) – duhaime – 2018-11-09T11:46:58.067

I've been trying the Ghostscript method in the other answer above, but would now like to try this method you suggested. I'd like to ask if the -density 300 argument means that the DPI setting is 300, or does it mean another thing? – galacticninja – 2011-08-18T06:58:02.990

Yes, see here.

– frabjous – 2011-08-18T13:36:33.777


You can use PDF-XChange. It can export any pages you want to the expected format. Not only PNGs but many other formats are supported too

Export images dialog

Export menu


Posted 2011-02-09T08:49:49.650

Reputation: 14 930


If you prefer not to install any software, you can use this online tool:

The conversion is done inside your browser. It will produce one PNG file for each PDF page.


Posted 2011-02-09T08:49:49.650

Reputation: 171

Works very well, alas the images are only 75 DPI, which is not enough for print output. – ƘɌỈSƬƠƑ – 2015-10-06T10:42:27.130


This is an example with GS with the CropBox option:

"c:\Program Files\gs\gs9.10\bin\gswin64.exe" -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pnggray -r300 -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile="path_to_png_files\pdffilename-%03d.png" "path_to_pdf_file\pdffilename.pdf"

The path to GS should be adjusted based on your installation. Also, the DEVICE parameter could be changed to a color device if required. Compared to convert, GS seems to run much faster, and it is more suitable for big batches of conversion.


Posted 2011-02-09T08:49:49.650

Reputation: 287

If I'm not cropping any part of the original PDF file or converted PNG images, do I still need to use 'CropBox'? If yes, how does it help with the conversion process? – galacticninja – 2015-01-27T03:35:33.717

The use of -dUseCropBox is not to perform any cropping. Instead, it forces that GS reads the CropBox info from the input PDF. This is necessary to have a robust conversion. – imriss – 2015-01-27T14:06:11.260


Another software to do the conversion is PDFCreator. It'll create a new printer in your system so you can actually convert from any formats to images, not only PDF files

  • Convert your documents to PDF, JPG, PNG, TIF and more
  • Merge multiple documents to one file
  • Profiles make frequently used settings available with one click
  • Use automatic saving to have a fully automated PDF printer
  • We take care of the complexity and make converting PDFs simple for you

More importantly it's also open-sourced

Just print the document, select the PDFCreator and choose the output as PNG (or TIFF, JPG, whatever...) and you're done

PDFCreator screenshot


Posted 2011-02-09T08:49:49.650

Reputation: 14 930