Schtasks succeeds but application won't show up


I am trying to run Notepad.exe via Schtasks.

I first created a scheduled task, named "secheduledNotepad".

SUCCESS: The scheduled task "secheduledNotepad" has successfully been created.

Then I tried to run it:

C:\Windows\system32>Schtasks /Run /TN "secheduledNotepad"

It runs, as I receive the message:

SUCCESS: Attempted to run the scheduled task "secheduledNotepad".

and I can even see notepad.exe in Windows Task Manager.

But... it is nowhere to be found on the screen!

Why? and how do I fix this?

(I am using Windows 7 Starter)


Posted 2011-02-09T04:09:09.390

Reputation: 850

1Did you tell it to run under your own user context? – None – 2011-02-09T05:04:12.247

@Randolph Potter How do I tell it to run under my own user context? – WinWin – 2011-02-09T14:48:19.757



It is there. Open the task Scheduler and then select Microsoft. Then on the right hand side select Create a task the second on down. That will open it. One the first page down the bottom the last check box. "Run with the highest privileges" Check that.

Good luck, R Scotti

Richard L. Scotti

Posted 2011-02-09T04:09:09.390

Reputation: 36


I also had this problem. I'm running windows 8.1 The newly created task seems to default to run only if the machine is on AC power. When I unticked the option on the Conditions tab it worked fine.


Posted 2011-02-09T04:09:09.390

Reputation: 21

Question was for Windows 7, but might be helpful anyway – Thomas Weller – 2014-01-17T11:55:43.990

Understood, but there's not much for 8.1 at the moment so I can't be the only one who'll end up here. :) – user290899 – 2014-01-17T12:03:58.957