email application


I have several emails to track. One for yahoo, one for google, and many others. The problem with this is the tracking. It's a hassle because you have to check or refresh each emails every now and then. I was thinking it would be nice to have an application to just notify if any of my email address has a new message. I want to know what application in linux that does this?

Neilvert Noval

Posted 2011-02-07T09:36:02.923

Reputation: 357



Most mail applications can integrate using POP3 or IMAP with most major online mail providers.


Posted 2011-02-07T09:36:02.923

Reputation: 1 434

1... and can automatically check your accounts, and show notification of new mail. I assume that's what you meant :-). – sleske – 2011-02-07T10:20:05.210


Have you considered using gmail mail fetcher:
Note: Works for up to 5 e-mail addresses.


Posted 2011-02-07T09:36:02.923

Reputation: 7 661