Can I use a bluetooth keyboard to enter BIOS and edit the values there? I'm thinking of two scenarios:
- A new machine - no OS (yet). So to me seems no possibility to pair the keyboard. Hence no access to BIOS?
- I have booted to an OS (Windows/Mac) once and paired the keyboard with the computer. Will the keyboard work before OS drivers are loaded?
Rather than on the input-devices, this will highly depends on the capability of the PC itself. A bluetooth on the PC may support this capability by providing proper interface to BIOS. Otherwise, the BIOS itself may be able to access the bluetooth natively, likes on intel stick http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/boards-and-kits/intel-compute-stick/000016213.html
– Thariq Nugrohotomo – 2016-08-09T06:01:57.587