vs telnet <ip> <port>


When a visitor visits the site and type in a port number, let's say 80 for example, (IP is already detected by canyouseeme), would that be equivalent to do the following telnet:

telnet <ip-detected-and-reported-by-canyouseeme> 80

In my case, canyouseeme can see the service on my IP on the specified port, but telnet says that the connection is refused and unable to connect.

Why the difference?

Kevin Le - Khnle

Posted 2011-02-06T15:29:04.057

Reputation: 121

if you're behind a NAT Router, you can't access that external ip internally. Try going to a computer at another location and running that telnet ip 80 – barlop – 2011-07-09T21:23:30.383

and try with nmap too.. I think this is the line, you may not need -P0. C:>nmap -P0 -p80 ip – barlop – 2011-07-09T21:24:13.860

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