Auto-hide taskbar in Chrome



I use the auto-hide taskbar feature and I have problems with Google Chrome when it is maximized: the taskbar will not pop up at mouse hover over the taskbar position (really annoying).

I know that Google admits it is a bug and it hasn't been fixed yet, and probably it will never be fixed. My question is if you know a workaround to avoid this issue.

Nicu Zecheru

Posted 2009-08-18T11:21:47.157

Reputation: 5 234

I could only see the taskbar with the Windows key, or minimizing etc. Finally recycled Chrome and all appears well. I see posts all over the web for this going back years. There doesn't seem to be a real permanent solution anywhere. – None – 2011-05-20T15:23:39.740

sometimes it happens and the taskbar still hide with chrome, in my case i to wait for the taskbar to behave normally or shut down chrome and remove the process in the task manager, or put a normal taskbar half an hour and I try after – None – 2010-09-10T14:48:06.390

None of the above worked for me, thus I resorted to:

  1. Restoring Down
  2. Dragging the window to the side of my screen so that 7 would make it occupy half.
  3. Resizing the window over my full screen. There's practically no difference. Hope this helps.
  4. < – None – 2011-05-08T21:13:33.720



Apply a theme to Google Chrome to fix it.


Posted 2009-08-18T11:21:47.157

Reputation: 104

Any theme, or do you have an example of theme to provide? – Gnoupi – 2010-05-05T16:56:11.437

any of

– user36194 – 2010-05-05T17:28:26.260

1the window transparecy is the problem of chrome here, i think. – user36194 – 2010-05-05T17:33:55.467

Thanks. I applied a theme and so far everything is OK. Daily vote limit reached :P (I'll give you later the vote, and will mark your answer as accepted)

– Nicu Zecheru – 2010-05-05T20:58:50.480


I'm giving the "Plain" theme a go, which is basically a "no-theme" (defaults to Google Chrome's native look).

– stakx – 2013-03-27T19:09:12.130

1I downvoted because this did not fix the problem for me (win7, 32bit). Also, I don't think the other solutions are good, because they depend on the keyboard. Based on track record I doubt Google will ever fix this - only solution I could come up with is good old Firefox! – Tom – 2013-04-20T23:07:54.783

It worked for me after restarting chrome on Win7, 64-bit – user – 2013-08-27T14:53:49.263


You can temporarily force out the auto-hidden taskbar from cover by bringing up the Start menu.

Use Ctrl + Esc to force the Windows Start menu to display, and with it, the taskbar will pop up.


Posted 2009-08-18T11:21:47.157

Reputation: 13 363

4It also works if you press the Windows key. Anyway this must be used every time the taskbar doesn't pop up. – Nicu Zecheru – 2009-08-18T13:20:19.693

Yes! The Windows button does exactly the same thing. – random – 2009-08-18T13:28:36.843

2In Windows 8 this displays the Start screen instead of the taskbar. – Robert Koritnik – 2013-07-10T05:36:58.667


Try pressing F11 twice. It works for some.


Posted 2009-08-18T11:21:47.157

Reputation: 12 882

This works as a temporary workaround. – Nicu Zecheru – 2009-08-18T13:19:30.163

This works.

– hyperslug – 2011-02-19T04:50:44.540

Not any more... :( – Robert Koritnik – 2013-07-10T05:37:22.230


Yes, to get the task bar back, Restore Down, or double click an empty place on top. Then minimize the window. Then Restore the window, then Maxamize it. :) It works for me.


Posted 2009-08-18T11:21:47.157

Reputation: 627

Thanks, however, pressing the Window key is much easier, or any of the above shortcuts. My main problem is that I cannot see the GTalk notifications for example, nor the new emails (the envelope)....and I have to check it from time to time to see ... (+1 for your answer) – Nicu Zecheru – 2010-04-07T16:58:43.780

After reading and trying everything else, I was disappointed to see that the last option was so stupid and obviously not going to work. And then it worked. Thanks. – bdb484 – 2016-07-08T13:28:29.323

Oh, yeah, I guess Windows would work too :P – Matt – 2011-04-26T15:35:18.120


From a Google support thread here:

I'm running Windows 7, 32 bit and had the same problem that the taskbar (on autohide) won't appear with Chrome maximized. I solved this by setting the Properties -> Compatibility -> Compatibility mode to "Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)" for chrome.exe.

Simon East

Posted 2009-08-18T11:21:47.157

Reputation: 2 414

Thanks! I have tried this but still the same. After a few minutes the problem persists (I'm running Windows 7 64bit). +1 – Nicu Zecheru – 2010-04-09T11:29:35.597

OK, thanks for your feedback Nicu. Have you tried any of the other compatibility modes to see if they help? – Simon East – 2010-04-23T02:55:43.460